CHAPTER 6 - Put your head on my shoulder

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" Oh shoot, how long have you been there Sanha?” Eunwoo raised his voice in shock.

Sanha has been standing there for a moment eavesdropping their conversation. He went and sat beside them.He knew how his brothers adored him as their little brother. Even Minhyuk, who's only one year older than him, took care of him. But as it's his first love he wanted to do everything by himself. He wanted to take it slow. As of now he didn't want them to know about his feelings. But it looks like they already know. Still he said, “ Hyung, I didn't even say anything about having feelings,”

“It's okay, we already know. We’ll support you.” Said Moonbin smiling sheepishly and Eunwoo chuckled supporting him.

Sanha shook his head, frustrated with his brothers.

“Alright, alright I may have a teeny tiny crush on her'' He finally gave in. He lowered his head in embarrassment.

It was quiet for a second. All of a sudden Eunwoo and Moonbin started to laugh and that shook the room. They rolled down on the floor laughing their ass off.

Sanha rolled his eyes with a boring look on his face. ‘What a dorks’ he thought.

“It's okay Sanha we’ll support you and help you” Eun woo finally said clutching his stomach. 

“I don't need help. I want to do it alone. I’ll ask for help if I want any” Sanha replied fastly. 

His dorky brothers looked at each other with their orbs widened.   

“Oohh, Our Sanha grew up a lot” Moonbin cooed and went forward to tackle him.

“Ahh, hyung let me go” he groaned. And Eunwoo looked at his members who were playing like toddlers and smiled . 


Park Soo ah was running around in the fantagio building preparing all the things for the comeback. She didn’t have time to think about anything another than job that she didnt even have time to be awkward around Sanha. Meanwhile, Sanha was desperately waiting for Soo ah to be free  to talk to her. He finally mustered up courage to talk to her. 

Soon he found Soo ah sitting lazy on her seat scrolling through her phone. Sanha took this chance and made his way to her. But he stopped as he saw Soo ah suddenly fixing her position cautiously as if she saw something alarming. She looked up from her phone with an uneasiness in her face. She slowly got up from the seat, and gave a feisty look to Cha han bin who was sitting across her in the next cabinet. She went outside their place and took her leave to the rooftop. After a few minutes Han bin followed Soo ah. 

Sanha was watching all this without getting noticed. His mind was on fire. He was getting suffocated by curiosity. He wanted to know what's between them. It's not love for sure by the look of Soo ah’s face. Then what? Without wasting a second he soon followed the same steps. 

He didn’t find them anywhere but on the rooftop.

Sanha opened the door to enter the rooftop by little and started to eavsdrop their conversation.It was Soo ah’s voice he heard.

“Oh gosh, Just come to the point Han bin. Stop talking about the past” She was yelling at him. Her voice cracks a little at the end of the sentence. 

 Ahhh, you don't like talking about the past” he chuckled a little and smacked his lips “I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me. Anyway I was going through my old things yesterday and found my old phone I used in highschool. It definitely brought back some memories” his lips curled up to a vicious smile. 

Sanha couldn't take it anymore. He saw her face, all pale and white. Her lips are struggling to say something back. He barged in, smiling from ear to ear. 

“Cha Hanbin shi,  Shin Seung ho shi is looking for you.Can you go down?” he said whatever that came to his mind at first.

Han bin swiftly turned his head anxiously in his face. Soo ah lowered her head because she couldn't force any pleasant emotion on her face.

“How long have you been there Han bin said his voice is slightly trembling.

“I came in as soon as I saw you” he blurted out another lie.

“I’ll leave then” Han bin said looking at sanha, but it was more pointed to Soo ah. 

Sanha slowly realised what he had done. When Han bin goes down he will realise it was a lie. When he realise it he’s going to torture Soo ah again, maybe. He doesn't know about that for sure. But something bad will happen. Because it looks like they have a very long bad relationship.

He started to feel uncomfortable standing there like that with Soo ah not saying anything. He wanted to say something but not sure what. They don't have a casual relationship like she have with Moonbin nor a normal colleague relationship. They were something that can’t be expressed in one word.

“Hey” He finally said more like whispered. She didn't say anything back. She took a few steps back and sat right on the floor and reclined on the parapet just like the first time she was there. 

Sanha awkwardly went and sat beside her. He swallowed his saliva several times and His hands were sweating so hard.

“You know, all my life i have been afraid of people knowing about my past” Soo ah finally opened her mouth, “ Even though there is someone who knows all about it I have never told anyone about it fully. And that's why I write stories. To hide my thoughts but at the same time to relieve it. But look you are coincidentally on everything I wanted to hide. And I can't blame you.” She smiled with a pain in it, at him for a moment and quickly turned her head away.

“Did you connect all the dots?” she asked him.


“You probably must have heard our conversation and thought something bad was going to happen to me. And you're a big fan of my writings. So…….” Said she.

“Uhh, well I don’t know honestly. I did think why you were so uncomfortable about this. But I didn’t think much of it” Sanha said truthfully.

“Oh, I didn’t expect that. And now that I have said it are you going to think about it ?” 

“ Only if you allow me to ” he said slightly smiling.

It wasn’t even that funny but she chuckled a little, but tears started to flow through. She couldn't help it. It was all too much for her. All the things that happened in high-school should have ended there. It has been around 9 years ago and they still won't let her go. She doesn't care anymore. About nothing at all. But she just can’t help it but feels tired and lost. And nothing can seem to comfort her. Not even In woo. But here, now she's leaned onto Sanha, silently crying. She didn’t realise it but she felt free around him. It all felt so natural. They were just going with the flow and they felt like they knew each other for a long time. Sanha stayed like that, silently saying, put your head on my shoulder as long as you want and Soo ah did exactly that.

(Have one candy🍬 and  a blueberry 🫐.
Ps:- 1 vote = Tissues for Soo ah , that girl has been crying a lot)

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