Chapter 3 - Broken Things

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I am Cha Han bin

Soo ah slowly wiped her face and sat straight in the couch. She can hear her own heartbeat now. Memories flooded her mind.
She wanted to escape. Some were far away throwing everything in some trashcan. With trembling hands, she typed 'Oh..'.

It took her long enough to collect those memories and lock them in a dusty box deep in her heart. She remembered His smile. His wicked smile when she writhed on the ground with pain.

When she was wandering in her memories the next message came.

Cha Han bin
Don't you remember me soo ah?

Just then she remembered she was not the same old vulnerable Soo Ah anymore. That she doesn't need to be his victim anymore.

Do I need to remember you?

Quite stubborn
I like it

What is it that you want Han bin

We have to catch up a lot
It's been so long

I don't think we need to do that
And let's stop talking
I am going to sleep.

You have changed quite a bit
Any way
Let's see tomorrow

Soo ah was still trembling. But, she's making herself calm down. Being in a dark place with no spark of ray for so long made her not scared of the dark anymore. She opened that dusty box that she hid in her heart.

Kim Mina, Kang Soomin, Lee Dae Seong, and Cha Han bin - those names came to her like a venomous arrow. It was fast and painful and slowly killed her. Han bins' eyes, Mina's red straight hair, the fire everything started to recap through her mind once again.

In Woos' sudden call made her come back to the current timeline.

"Did you eat?"

"No, I am going to sleep. Don't disturb me when you come home"

"Are you okay? you sound frazzled"

" Just tired. You know it's the first day of work after all"

" Oh, okay then. I'll hang up first".

Soo ah took a long breath and got up from the sofa. She drank a lot of water as if it was the first time. She went to sleep. She closed her eyes. Memories busted out of the box. She struggled to pick up everything and put it back inside. Somewhere in the middle of picking up a memory, she fell asleep.

The next day Park Soo Ah woke up hearing the alarm she set on her smartphone.
Everything from yesterday reminded them in her head. "Darn it "She turned around and buried her face in the pillow and screamed her lungs out. Swiftly she got up from the bed. She went to the bathroom and looked at her reflection in the mirror. "you have to face him anyway, duh".

“Guess who I met yesterday?”. Just like every day Inwoo was making breakfast when Soo Ah came to the kitchen asking that . “ Who?” He asked.

“ How should I put it? My first bf, my first love, my first bully, the first one who put my hair on fire’’. 

Inwoo stopped what he was doing the moment he heard ‘bf’. He scoffed and looked up at her. “ WHAT? That bastard, Cha Han bin?” he was in disbelief: "what happened, tell me more”

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