Chapter 15 - Wounds and band aids

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Park Soo ah just got her paycheck. Her third one. Thinking how empty her bank account was for the past few years, this money even if it was not that much made a big difference. She didn't have many things to do with that money. But she did, which was to move out from In woo's apartment.

She knows that In woo doesn't have a problem with her living with him. But the feeling as an unwanted guest always lingered around her.

Inwoo's apartment was his parents' graduation gift. Yes, his parents are super loaded. So she didn't have to pay half of the rent. She wouldn't have felt this uncomfortable living with him if she paid at least 10000 won as the rent. And Inwoo always insists on buying the groceries himself. She sometimes goes outside and buys snacks and other edible things in her budget which wasn't much. This had been going around for almost 3 years and Soo ah was done. She wasn't annoyed with In woo. She was just overwhelmed by his nice personality. He had been way too nice to her that she started to feel like she was taking him for granted. But then again, she never told her thoughts to In woo. She kept it inside her little jar and sealed it.


Two more weeks left for comeback and Soo ah was running as always with a lot of workload.
She was now eating lunch with Lee dami like everyday. Soo ah as humming and listening to her rant.

“Do you remember my old roommate? The one who was going to marry soon ?”

“Mhmm,yeah” Soo ah clearly didn't remember.

“She got cheated on. How she caught him was even more embarrassing. She walked in on them.Can you believe it?” Dami was a magazine that knew all the tea.

“Oh, that's sad to hear” Soo ah said, her voice plain.

“I think she's going to move back to my house.” Dami groaned, “ughh I don't really like her.”

Soo ah again just hummed. She was going to get kimchi when Dami's words ran through her mind.
“So you don't have a new roommate?like right now?”she asked quickly.

“No,” Dami said.

Soo ah eyes widened as a new idea popped in her head. She grinned and held out her hand quickly and Dami jerked back in surprise.

“Can I be your roommate then?” Soo ah smiled at her.

Dami was jumping around excitedly about her new roommate which is Soo ah. Dami liked her and looked up to her. And Soo ah was happy that she's going to live with someone she's familiar with. But still she felt uneasy. She thought maybe her decision was a bit impulsive. She didn't even tell Inwoo about this. But for the past few years she had never done anything progressive. Anything exciting. Something for herself. She didn't have anything to call hers except her stories. Still she has to tell In woo about this.

Soo ah went home early that day. She told Dami to wait till she discusses it with In woo. She went grocery shopping to make something for Inwoo. She was not very good at cooking. But she still did her best making a decent amount of food. After that she waited for him eagerly. She practised a conversation in her mind until she heard the door opening. She stood up straight, still not sure how to bring him the news.

His face was already so bright. It indicates either he's drunk or something very exciting happens.Soo ah grinned widely at him as he came inside. But his face fell dim when he saw the unusual grin. He eyed her suspiciously and made his way to the table and fell down to the chair, clearly tired. He looked at Soo ah as she sat down opposite him carefully. She grinned at him again.

“Why are you smiling like an idiot?” He mocked.

“Nothing. Today is -” “Wait don't tell me you already know”, Inwoo interrupted. Soo ah looked at his shiny big eyes in confusion.

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