Chapter 26 - Warmth

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“Where are you?”
“Home. Where else?”
“Did you go see a doctor yet?”
“No, It’s fine”
“I don’t think so”, His voice filled with worry at the same time a kind of determination.
Soo ah sighed. He’s stubborn.
“Well, can you open the door? It’s very cold outside.” He said, a tint of playfulness in it.
Her eyes widened. What the hell is he doing here? She rushed to open the door. There he is, with a wide cheeky grin on his face.
Sanha is covered in all kinds of warm clothes with a muffler around his neck. his pink coloured hair which he coloured for the comeback is sticking out from the loverboy beanie he’s wearing. How could he stand there looking so freaking adorable? Soo ah’s heart was a melting mess and her eyes turned into glow sticks but she quickly regained her cold self ready to scold Sanha.

“Why are you here? I told you I am fine!”
“You’re right. You look fine” Sanha nodded, agreeing with her.
“You didn’t answer my question” Soo ah asked again.
“What do you think? I came to check up on you. I even brought medicines” He raised his hands showing a black plastic bag.

Soo ah’s heart dropped. How can she leave when he’s acting like this? When he's doing all...this?

“Oh, She blinked, “thank you, But I-”

“who’s there eonni” Damis voice came out probably from her room. Soon she was there, feeling perplexed seeing Sanha there, again.

“What is he… doing here?” Dami asked, eyeing both of them suspiciously.

‘I am here to check up on her. I was just worried” He spoke up.

“Right! you’re sick” Dami said looking at Soo ah clearly not acting her role well.

Soo ah smacked her lips together, “Yeah, I was sick”.

“Then you two have a great talk together, I'll be in my room.” She quickly escaped from there. Sanha felt something fishy going on, he narrowed his eyes and asked Soo ah, “Are you going to just make me stand here?”

She gaped at him realising they have been standing in the Doorway till now. But she really didn’t want Sanha to be in there, then he would see all the packed boxes of her.
But does she have a choice while those brown eyes are literally right in front of her?
“Sorry, come in then” Soo ah reluctantly welcomed him. She offered him a pair of slippers which he wore. Sanha looked around curiously as they walked in. The last time he was there, he didn’t have enough time to check around. And he didn’t have reason to, since Soo ah was sleeping. As they walk in there’s a door on the left which is probably the bathroom. And straight ahead there’s another door and Sanha remembered it being Soo ah’s room. On the right side was a grey coloured couch.
“SIt here. i’ll get you some water” Soo ah said, before leaving to the kitchen. Sanha continued to look around even after taking a seat. On the right side of the couch there was another door. Sanha guessed it might be Dami’s room. And his guess was right as  the door swung open revealing Dami. She politely smiled at Sanha and went to the kitchen.

Soo ah was about to leave the kitchen with some snacks and water in her hand when Dami stopped her. Soo ah cockes her eyesbrows in confusion.

“Let’s talk” Dami said and grabbed Soo ah into the kitchen before she could say anything.

“what is it?” Soo ah asked in a very bored tone.

“Are you going to tell him that you resigned?”

“Of Course no! Are you crazy?”

“What about your feelings?”

At that moment Soo ah was dumbfounded, “W-what feelings?”

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