Chapter 2 - Why ?

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Park Soo-ah woke up early that day. She was way too excited and nervous about the new job. Hwang In woo her best friend already woke up and was making coffee and breakfast.

"So this is the time you wake up. I never knew."

"Of course, you'll never know it lazy ass" He snorted as he said it.

"Yaaa. Will you please stop calling me that. It's so damn annoying".

Her eyes were still sleepy. She yawned and scratched her thigh as she walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a pink oversized tee and grey-colored shorts. Her hair was super messy.

"Stop calling me tomato then I'll stop too". In-woo smirked.

"Whatever, do whatever you want tomato". She stuck out her tongue and made a goofy face.

In-woo rolled his eyes and said:

"So Ms. Park Soo ah this is your first day as an official employee at a company. How do you feel" He held his hand like a mic and pointed it at her.

"Duh, In-woo, I am not in a mood to play around. Well, I feel nervous and excited. I don't know this feeling. It's annoying" she sighed.

"Oh, okay. Then go wash up and eat breakfast. Did you choose what to wear today?".

"No, I'll have to choose now". Soo ah said.

She got up from the table chair and went to the bathroom. Later she wore black denim jeans and a white t-shirt and a black coat over that. She tied her black wavy hair into a high ponytail and wore little too makeup. Soo ah had a round face with siren eyes. She wore pink lipstick on her already pink and thin lips.

She had breakfast with In-woo. Later they traveled to Gangnam-gu from Itaewon dong, where their house is located. Hwang In woo dropped her off at the main entrance of the Fantagio building.

"In woo yaa, I scared" Soo ah pouted.

"You can do it. I am sure you can do it. Fighting."Woo said looking outside from the car. " I'll get going then" In Woo took off from there.

Park Soo-ah stood straight in front of the building. She took a deep breath." Soo ah-shi, you have to do it ". She said to herself.

She entered the tower and went into the lift. General manager Choi Ji hoon's office room was on the first floor.

"Come in": Mr.Choi said hearing a knock on the door. Soo-ah came inside. "ANNYEONGHASEYO" She yelled as she bowed 90 degrees. Mr. Choi was taken aback once again.

"Soo-ah shi this is not military service. You don't need to yell like that. Come, have a seat". Mr. Choi said.

Soo-ah gave an awkward smile. General manager Choi ji hoon crossed his arms and laid back on his chair."Soo-ah shi, do you know why you are here?"

"Because I got the email yesterday?" Soo ah said innocently.

"You're quite funny. I'll get to the point. You got this job with only one condition. From what you said yesterday. About quitting on your own if you ever get feeling. So what do you say, Ms. Soo ah?"

"Yeah, I am in. Do we have a contract?"

Mr. Choi nodded and fixed his glass. He took the contract from a file over there. He took a glance at it and gave the paper to Soo-ah.

"What, only for six months?" Soo ah was surprised.

"Look you are a girl but you look competent. But still, we can't take a risk". Mr. Choi said calmly. "We will check your performance and then think about extending the contract"

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