Chapter 27 - Is it the end ?

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“It's Cha Han bin” Soo ah muttered with shiver.

She quickly pulled out from Sanha’s hug as she tried to go down. Dami is alone, she might be afraid. That thought alone made Soo ah go crazy. But before that Sanha grabbes her hand once again.

“Why is he here?” He was not simply asking but demanding an answer. His brows furrowed and it is evident that he was concerned about the situation. But there's no time to explain the full stoy, nor she will.

“I'll fill in your later” she hurriedly replied.

Sanha nodded but didn't let go of her hand. But instead interwined their fingers. She goggled at him and tried widrew her hands but his grip just tightened.

“I'm not going to let you go no matter what” he grumbled as he started to step down. Soo ah didn't say anything back as she followed him.

Han bin was standing there infront of their house, struggling to stand straight.

“What are you doing here?” Soo ah raised her voice trembling.

“Oh my gosh, who is this? My little Soo ah…” he slurred out as he walked to them. In defence Sanha stepped a bit in front of her.

“I knew you would be behind this. When I heard you quit I thought you really became obedient but you're still some pretty little bitch”, he said keeping his damn smirk on his face.
There was no time to react as Han bin pushed Sanha aside slapped right across Soo ah’s face.

Sanha didn't think twice either before rushing towards him and punch right in his nose. Sanha was ready to tackle him down but Han bin was already knocked out.

Soo ah had fell down, tears trailing down on her cheeks. Because of the pain in her face and in her heart. Sanha sat down beside her.

“Do you feel pain?” He gently asked carefully taking her face. She humms in response. He check lips and there is some blister.

“I am sorry I couldn't protect you” He says stroking her hair. Soo ah stared at him. What did she do to deserve him? He probably must've heard Han bin. But he's not saying anything. Nothing at all.

“It's fine. It was so sudden.” she mumbled.
Right at that instant Dami come running to them.

“I'm so so so sorry. I was busy calling the police. They'll be here any minute. And here's the first aid kit.” Dami says in one breath and gives Sanha first aid kit. He takes medicine out and starts to put them on her lips. He was still stroking her hair gently as she couldn't stop tears from falling down.

“I'll go get some water” Dami quickly said as she read the room.

“What about you ? Are you okay? Your hands must hurt” Soo ah asks after he finish applying the medicine on.

“Ofcourse I am okay. I workout everyday. I am a strong boy” Sanha said grinning, flexing his muscle even though its buried deep inside his clothes. Soo ah chuckled at him teary eyed. How is he managing to make her laugh even now?

Police sirens were heard from a distance and they both get alarmed. Dami came outside hearing the siren. Three of them stood there nervously and Han bin was down on the lawn making noises. Blood was coming from his nose, looks like his nose is broken.

It was two middle aged men who came there in working clothes. They asked Soo ah and Dami about a few things and told them to come to police office. Sanha stood silent amidst them all, knowing it will be big controversy tomorrow if anyone knew that an idol punched a drunk man who attacked his girlfriend in the middle of the night. They only told the officer that Sanha was just a colleague.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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