Chapter 22 - Again

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Astro’s 10th mini album ‘Eyes of eternal light’ was released and it was a huge hit. Rather than the title track ‘Be you’, It was the side-track ‘Starry night’ that was more popular. It is the trending song right now and Soo ah and others are considering making a music video for this song.

One week has passed since the release and everyone was busy, especially Soo ah and members. attending music shows, Interviews and taking more advertisement offers and practising over and over again, they were way too tired, and slept only for a few hours a day. Plus they had to take ddoca and astro play videos. So It’s safe to say they are the busiest people in the world right now. But regardless they were happy about the outcome. And fans were loving it. 

But there was something fans were not loving too much. How Soo ah was their manager. It has been a few months since Soo ah started her job, but fans are noticing her only now as Astro has to appear in public more. But of course they didn’t make a big fuss over it. But they still talked about her on social media. about her face,her hair, her dresses, practically everything about her. How she’s acting around the members. One day, one of the stylists showed her a tweet with the caption “I am so jealous of her” with a picture of her with Astro members. She always wears a mask, so her face is safe. Since then Soo ah has become obsessed with checking tweets from Rohas. As for now there are only neutral ones and she's happy that there are no hate comments. 

No one knew about it though, that Soo ah who has an account on every single social media app but doesn't use it, is obsessed with something like this. If In woo was here, he would be mocking her till her last breath. She tried to message him and surprisingly he responded but was not very enthusiastic. She texted him ‘How are you doing’ and he only said ‘fine’ after a few hours. She was very hurt, but she can’t complain. But she’s feeling a bit lonely these days. Dami is a great friend and she’s having her moment at the company with the members and her colleagues, but something was missing. It felt like something was missing. But it was okay since she’s so busy right now and doesn't have time to think. But she’s thinking about meeting Inwoo soon.

Astro members and Soo ah were on their way to MBC Show champion, their last stage. They were all excited and were ready to give their best performance. They were ready to get that trophy. They have been doing this for 8 years so all of them were pretty calm while getting ready. But they all started to tense up as usual a few minutes before the stage. Seeing this Soo ah gathered them all to give a mini speech. They groaned simultaneously realising her intention.

“I am the one who's supposed to give a speech right now,” Jinjin said bitterly. Soo ah patted him on the shoulder knowing he’s only saying it for fun. 

“Let her do this time, you are the one who always does it, anyway” Sanha quickly came to her rescue and Jinjin rolled his eyes as well as the others while Soo ah softly glanced at him.

“Okayyy, gather around. So, she clasped her hands together, “This is my first last stage. And I am very excited. It doesn't  matter if you don't win this, what matters is that there are people out there who love you so much. I have been active on, She cleared her throat, “ Twitter and others and saw so many fan accounts and they all are very sweet. They all really love you. I know I don't really need to say all this and you guys already know it but always remember our lives depend on them. Their smiles are the best trophy you can get. and as far I have seen you have been doing that very well. And don’t forget why you chose this. So give your best. That's all, I guess.” When she looked around all of them were looking at her with a heartfelt smile. 

“Gather around guys”, Jinjin clapped his hands to grab their attention. They all stood in a circle and put their hands on eachother. Soo ah moved to a corner to give them their space but Jinjin invited her in. 

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