Chapter 20 - Let's get this party started 2

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"Why are you not talking to her? Usually you'll be clinged on to her 24/7" Moonbin mocked him taking another sip from his after they clicked their glasses.They were now sitting on those long chairs in the kitchen.

"How many glasses did you have, hyung?" Sanha asked back, ignoring the other one's question.

"You two are a match made in hell for sure." Moonbin snorted remembering how Soo ah nagged him.

"Well thank you. And that is yet to happen. So how many glasses did you have?" Sanha has his arms crossed now. Ho jun, who was sitting beside him, was clearly out of context now. He said he's out of here and moved to talk to Rocky.

"You need to chill. I only had a few glasses" Moonbin whined.

"Doctor said you can't drink" Sanha scolded him as Seungkwan came with a worried look. It's a rare sight to see Moonbin getting scolded by his maknae. Moonbin was busy mumbling something about Soo ah telling Sanha everything and didn't bother Seungkwan's entry.

"What's happening here?" Seungkwan asked Sanha as he kept eyeing Moonbin.

"Don't you dare tell him." Moonbin warned as he placed the glass down on the counter and raised his hands in defence."I'll stop okay"

"Good" Sanha smiled in his proud victory.

Seungkwan shifted his eyes from Moonbin to Sanha in confusion. " Someone has to tell me what's going on."

"Hyung can't drink. Doctors words" Sanha answered avoiding Moonbins death glare for good.

"What.You didn't tell me that!" Seungkwan gasped dramatically.

"I am not an alcoholic for god's sake" Moonbin groaned and left the kitchen counter leaving the two while they laughed like there's no tomorrow.

"So.. you don't text me these days Sanha" Seungkwan lightly smacked Sanha's back.

"Sorry hyung. Busy days" Sanha made a quick excuse causing both of them to laugh as they both took a sip from the glass.

"Yeah, sure whatever. But heard you got a lil girlfriend" Seungkwan said playfully.
Sanha blinked, " Where did you even get that? Let me guess It must be Bin hyung"
"It's Jinjin hyung." He said and cackled.
Sanha sighed. His members are the death of him for sure.

"We are not dating," he said in a very low voice.

"So there is someone," Seungkwan smiled sheepishly. Sanha didn't bother to reply and just shook his head.

He looked around. Almost half of the seventeen were here also the 98 liners. Some of Jinjins Mjs and Rocky's friends were there too. He smiled lightly. He felt home, a very warm feeling. He's here with everyone he loves very dearly.

His eyes slowly darted onto Soo ah. She has a glass of wine in her hands, now sitting with Sinb and Moonbin. Looks like she became friends with her too. She's slowly swirling the wine in her hands and now taking a sip from it. His lips slightly parted. He thought about the ways he could kiss her. He can cup her red cheeks in his hands or his hands could be at her neck. Or he can pull her by her waist. He can even kiss her right now maybe because her face is so close. Wait-

"Hello.... Are you high?" Soo ah was actually in front of him waving before his eyes trying to get his attention.

"Why are you here?" Sanha panicked as his ears turned red as well as his face.

"The person called Moonbin invited me here. That's why" She retorted, making Seungkwan laugh out loud. She took a seat beside Sanha. Seungkwan gave Sanha a knowing smile and soon excused himself. He swears if one more person smiles at him like that he sure will smack the shit out of them, not that he'll actually do that but still.

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