Chapter 12- Dreams and Nightmares

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The door creaked open and she walked in. "Oppa, Oppa, where are you?" She called for him but no one answered. The room was dark, the only light being the table lamp on the side of the room. Suddenly she noticed the body that was hanging from the ceiling. She couldn't see the face. The body slowly turned around showing its face smiling at her. There was a note in his hand. She slowly opened it to see 2 words. "Sorry Soo ah".

Gasping for air Soo ah fluttered her eyes open. She was panting while trying to connect to reality. She reached out for the glass of water. Gulping it down, she came to her senses. Why did the nightmares suddenly come back? What happened? Yes, yesterday at dinner. Sanha. She sighed remembering all the things that happened. His tender lips, his gaze. She cursed out running her hands through her messy hair. It was only midnight and she had to push through it in the morning. Trying to think what happened last night was just a dream she laid down again, hoping to get some sleep. And she didn't. His lips were the only thing that came to her mind when she closed her eyes.

Now she has a problem. Her promise to general manager Ji hoon. It's only been 2 and half months since she started and her job is already at stake.
"Oh my god, I am so fucked up" she cursed herself once again. She still has to sort out her feelings towards Sanha. But she didn't. She was scared about the result. Because deep down she knew she liked Sanha, maybe even loved him. She liked when he panicked worrying about her. How he pouts when he gets upset. She liked how he took care of her. How dumb he can be sometimes. She loved the way he looked at her through his brown eyes with so much admiration. She craved those gazes all day. But she's scared. She wasn't ready to accept it.
Sleep wasn't anywhere near her. She woke up and took her laptop. Let's try to write something. But she was lost there too. She checked her account. She saw the last comments on the last story she posted

"I hope you come back soon"

she sighed realising that it could be Sanha's comment. She shut down the laptop and went back to trying to sleep. She was trying her best not to think about her nightmare. If she does she knew she would cry and she didn't want to cry. Slowly after tossing and turning many times she fell asleep.

The sharp rays of morning sun screeching through windows made Soo ah wake up. Yawning and scratching her head she made her way to the bathroom and did her morning routine. After that she ate breakfast with In woo. They didn't talk much which was very strange.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, looking into his eyes.

"No, why" and he avoided it.

"You are not talking much these days considering you never shut your mouth" She pointed out.

"I am just tired, that's all". He muttered which didn't satisfy Soo ah.

"Of me?"

"No idiot. I am talking about work. Now shut up and eat" he chugged down a glass of water and stopped talking.
Soo ah could only see the dark areas under his eyes which screamed sleep. She was worried but there was nothing she could possibly do to help him. But that's not it. There was something else that bothered him and Soo ah knew it. But what could it possibly be?

Later on their ride to fantagio they didn't talk much again.

Park soo have to talk to Sanha. If she doesn't then she doesn't even know what will happen. She repeated the monologue she prepared to tell him. But the whole day Soo ah didn't get a chance to talk to him privately. They stole looks at each other both their hearts aching to talk.
But things were starting to get hectic. Their album being in the making, Going on variety shows, Photoshoots, recording everything just got extra busy. Sanha getting a role in a new drama didn't help the situation either. But no matter how busy things got they did have enough time to talk things out. But they choose not to.No one was ready to initiate the talk. So they were doing this cycle of looking at each other and clearing their throats when others noticed that. Until other members were done with both of them. They were also worried about Sanha. The last time Sanha got this depressed was during the promotional cycle of Astro's 3rd mini-album. But that was in 2016 and he was a teen. Leader, the father/mother of the five toddlers had to step in.

"What is it hyung?" Sanha asked, closing the door to the rooftop. Jinjin was sitting down on the floor leaning on the parapet.

"What is it? Why are you sitting there like a drunk person? It's dirty" Sanha said. So ironic.

"Gosh. Sit here. I'll clean your butt if it get dirty" Jinjin said, making Sanha gag.

"Eww,gross" he said but sat down beside him nevertheless.

"What's wrong Sanha?" Jinjin asked him.

"I should be the one asking that," Sanha said.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. Don't act like we don't have eyes, "Jinjin pointed out.

"Nothing's wrong hyung"

"Something is definitely wrong. And you're not going anywhere unless you talk about what happened between you and Soo ah." Jinjin said in a stern voice.

"Nothing..... happened" He muttered.

"Talk Sanha"

" Well maybe something did happen. Maybe...we may..have.. almost kissed. I think" He said in a very low voice then suddenly said."But we haven't kissed to be exact."

"WHAT"Jinjin was beyond shocked."Wait, wait I thought you asked her out and she rejected you"


"WAIT ! Does that mean..No way.."


"She likes you back," Jinjin gasped again.

"Hyung stop it."

"Yeah, sorry. So what happened after that?" Jinjin said, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Nothing. That's the problem. We haven't talked since. And I want to talk to her but I don't know what or how" He replied.

"Well I am not the best at giving dating advice. But I can tell you one thing, sooner you talk sooner you get an answer to your undying love. But sorry to break it to you. I don't think it's gonna be a good one. So let's extend the time and have a talk after the comeback. Do you get what I am saying?" Jinjin said and Sanha nodded, not facing the other.
Jinjin just wanted to keep his boy okay and at the same time as a leader he wanted Astro to always be in their best shape.

"Get up now. Let's go " Jinjin said as he got up.

"Do you think I'll ever have a good lovelife hyung?" Sanha mumbled not getting up.

Jinjin sighed. It broke his heart to see his member being so sad. Especially Sanha. No matter how much Sanha mock him he always has a soft corner for him.
But now he has to be a strong leader.
"Of Course. But it'll take time. We are Idols and we have to sacrifice a lot of things. At Least we are doing what we love. Come on now. I'll make you ramen".

Sanha got up as Jinjin patted his back reassuring everything would be okay.

(First of all shoutout to Rockyboba for always reading my story. Thank you and here's a candy 🍬 for your support.
I'll only update after a month. Exams (I hope I study💀) )

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