"why can't i remember anything?"

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"You could get in big trouble, guys. God." The colorful haired boy told the others off.

"Yeah, we have to go." A boy with blonde hair came in the room, his crutches clacking at every step.

He had a cast on his left foot. He looked quite tired and pained. His hair was messy, sticking up everywhere. He had bags under his eyes, and he looked awfully pale. He wore a black t-shirt with a smiley face on it, but the smiley face's eyes were x's and he stuck his tongue out. His black skinny jeans were rolled up on his left leg because of his cast.

"Sorry." Bandanna boy said.

"Yeah." The dark haired one said.

"Um, okay. Well, do you know what I'm doing here?" I asked.

I thought hard about what I was doing here. I couldn't remember. I guess you could read my thoughts, because they all freaked out when they looked at me.

"Oh my god, Cal, what did you do?!" The guy with colorful hair asked the dark haired one.

The guy on crutches sighed and wobbled out the room.

"I poked her! That's all! Just to wake her up." The dark haired one told the colorful haired one. "Right, Ashton? You saw me, I didn't do anything else!"

"Oh god. Ash, go get a nurse." The colorful haired one told the bandanna boy, sounding very worried.

The bandanna boy raced out of the room.

"I'm so sorry about this." The dark haired one told me.

"Oh." I didn't know what to say.

Or do.

Eventually, a pair of nurses walked in and asked the boys to leave. As I watched them go, I wanted to ask them for their names, just so I could know who they were.

"Okay, dear. What's wrong? Does anything hurt?" A nurse with black, wavy hair asked me.

"No." I said as she put a thermometer in my mouth.

"Do you remember anything?" The other nurse asked.

"Uh. No." I mumbled with the thing in my mouth.

The nurses looked at each other worriedly. One walked out the room. The thermometer beeped and vibrated in my mouth.

"Ok, dear. Do you remember your name?" She asked me, pulling the thermometer out of my mouth and looking down at it.

"Uh, um." I tried to think.



What is my name? How could I not know my name? Oh my god!

"No! What happened? Why can't I remember anything?" I panicked.

"Calm down, dear. We're gonna work this out, okay?" She reassured me.

"How am I supposed to calm down if i can't even remember my own name?" I asked loudly.

"We'll help you." A doctor came in.

He asked me a bunch of questions. About my age, birthday, people I knew, my family. I couldn't remember anything.

"Dear, we're gonna run some tests on your DNA to figure out who you are." The nurse told me after she talked to the doctor.

"Okay." I sighed.

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