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Before I fall asleep, I always hear gossip about me. It's always about me. I heard people say they wanted to kill me. I heard the security guard say I was a monster. I heard people talking about Calum.

They say he's alive.

I don't understand how. Jack wouldn't have spared him. I saw him lying dead by my feet a few weeks ago. How could he be alive?

I'm not angry at him for being alive. I'm relieved I didn't kill him. I'm angry at myself for doing all of this. I really shouldn't have wanted to kill him.

The only reason I wanted to was because I wanted to erase him from my memory. It hurt remembering him and knowing Jack wanted him dead.

I love him.

But Jack didn't. Jack was jealous. He didn't like me talking to Calum.

I hate Jack now. Nothing will change that.

I've been begging the security and any police officer that passes by my cell if I could please get my medicines but they just ignore me or tell me it's not possible. One of them said they'd ask if I could. I was so excited. I wanted Jack out of my head. The police officer left and didn't come back.

I started crying, knowing I'd never get out of this place. Jack appeared in the corner of the room, his arm wrapped around 67's waist.

"Hey." Jack called.

I ignored him and laid back on my little bed.

"Hey, Ash." 67 said, chuckling a bit.

"Ashley." Jack said sounding angry.

I turned around to face the wall. I heard Jack growl. I felt a hand on my shoulder before my vision went dark. It didn't feel like Jack had taken over.

It felt more like I was on the worlds fastest carousel.

It felt like my weightless body was spinning around and around. Then, numbness over came me. I felt lightheaded, and Jack appeared in front of me.

I still felt really weird, but Jack floated up to me.

"Why aren't you answering me?" He said, looking sad.

I tried to turn, or move at all, but I couldn't. I just stayed silent instead. Jack sighed.

"Well, fine. Don't talk to me. Ever. I'll stay away from you. I don't care about you anymore anyways."

He stared at me with big, blue, sad eyes.

"You careless human being." He shook his head.

"You monster." I hissed.

"Everyone else thinks you're the monster, Ashley. They don't know me. They saw you kill all those people. You imagined me in the first place."

"I never asked you to come back."

He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and chuckled.

"Whatever." He disappeared.

I expected everything to go back to normal, but I stayed in that weird state. Everything was numb. I screamed trying to get out.

"Oh, and before I go," I heard Jack say. "I'll leave a little something for you."

I could feel something cold and smooth on my arm. I could move my body again, and the numbness went away. I regained my sight, and was back in my cell, sitting up on my bed.

I looked down and saw I had a little blade in my hand and had already cut 4 beautiful lines. I gasped as I cut one more, feeling no pain at all.

I tried to stop, but my arms kept going. I moved to my thighs, which I ripped off my pants for. I cut lines and letters on my thighs, J's, C's and A's.

They were scattered everywhere with lines overlapping them.

I pulled up my shirt a bit and started cutting into my hip bone. Blood was all over me. I started to feel weak as I cut the last letter C on my wrist.

I finally threw the blade and fell back on the bed. My entire body throbbed as blood stained the bed sheets beneath me. I started crying.

I screamed in pain as all the cuts started to burn. I looked down and saw 67 sprinkling salt on each and everyone.

"There." She said, putting the packet of salt on the floor. "My work here is done. Bye, Ashley."

She waved, and disappeared. The cuts started to burn even more. I heard Midnight meow. He jumped up into my bed and laid down beside me. He reached for my face and meowed once more before starting to scratch up my face. I screamed and tried to get him off but my arms were too weak.

Eventually, Midnight meowed once more and jumped off my bed, disappearing in mid air.

I laid on my little bed, crying my eyes out until I saw a security guard rush over to my cell. Just as he unlocked the door, my vision went dark.

And this time, I felt nothing. At some point, I couldn't remember my name. I couldn't remember where I was. All my memory washed away, just before it all turned blood red.

I can't explain what happened next, because it's too hard to explain what death feels like.

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