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"Hello?" They said again.

"Hello?" I asked them.

"OH MY GOD, GUYS." They yelled.

"WHAT?" Another person said.


"I'M NOT A ZOO ANIMAL!" I yelled back.

"Sorry." They said.

"If you want to talk, you can come over." The other said

"Okay." I walked out my bedroom, kind of confused.

I walked out my apartment and to the door to the left of mine. I knocked, and the door swung open. I looked up at the person, and didn't believe my eyes.

It was that Ash boy from yesterday. He looked at me with wide eyes, and I could tell he was equally surprised as I was.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." He said.

"We met before. I think." I smiled at him.

"Yeah. I'm Ashton." He said, holding out his hand.

"Ashley." I shook his hand.

"Well, come in." He said, moving to let me in.

"Thanks." I said, walking in.

His apartment was way bigger than mine. WAY BIGGER.

"So, um. Sorry about that, um, the guitar playing. I told Luke not to play right now." Ashton made a face at the blonde guy sitting on a amp, crutches laying next to his feet.

"Oh." I said.

"Hey." The blonde one said to me.

"Hi." I said.

"Luke, meet Ashley. She was the girl in the same room as Calum was in the hospital."

"Oh. Hi, I'm Luke." Luke held his hand out.

I shook his hand, despite the guitar pick in his hand. It pierced into my palm, but I didn't flinch at all.

"This is Michael." Ashton said, pointing at the guy with the crazy hair.

"Hi." He said, holding his hand out.

I shook his hand, despite the guitar pick in his hand as well, which hurt twice as bad. This time, I winced a bit and let go, rubbing my palm.

"Sorry." Michael apologized.

"So. What was that? The song I mean." I asked them.

"Nothing really. We were just playing around." Michael said.

"Oh." I said.

"Do you play?" Luke asked me.

"I don't now, and I don't think I did before." I said.

"Huh?" He asked.

"I woke up with amnesia." I told them, feeling a bit embarrassed to say it.

"Oh. Like our song! We have a song called Amnesia." Michael told me.

"Oh." I said, trying to imagine what it would sound like.

The lyrics probably talked about wanting to get your memory back. Like how I did.

"We would play it for you, but we would need Calum. He's sleeping."

"I think you might have woken him up." I joked.

"Oops." Luke laughed.

"So, you can't remember anything from before?" Ashton asked me.

"No. I wish I did." I said, looking down at my new black converse.

I noticed I already had already gotten something on it. It looked brown. Ew.

"Well, maybe it'll come back to you one day." Luke said, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

"I hope." I said softly.

There was an awkward silence. Michael plucked a few strings, making the silence even more awkward. Luke eventually took his arm from my shoulder. Calum came in the room, rubbing his eyes. He looked at me for a while before looking at the others.

"WHAT THE HECK?" Calum yelled as he stared at me.

"Calm down, Cal. What's wrong?" Ashton said, walking up to him.

"GET AWAY FROM ME." He yelled into Ashton's face.

"Dude. Chill." Luke said, pulling him out the room.

"Um. I should leave." I said, feeling too embarrassed.

I walked out the room and to the door.

"Wait. Ashley. I'm sorry about Calum. I have no ide-"

"Its fine." I cut Michael off. "Its not his fault. I wouldn't want to be around me either."

I walked out the doors and into my apartment. Tears threatened to fall as I laid in my bed, the soft purple bed sheets underneath me. I let the tears spill out of my eyes. I cried, thinking about how Calum yelled when he saw me.

I wouldn't blame him, I'm a freak.

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