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"Hey, Mum." I said into Luke's phone.

"CALUM!" She said, sounding relieved.

"Yeah, it's me." I sighed.

"T-The ot-ther's t-told-d m-me th-tha-" She started crying.

"Mum, I-"

"Why? Why did you stop eating? You're such a handsome young man! You're perfect the way you are. You don't need to stop eating." 

"Mum, I'm so freaking fat." 

"Stop it!"

"I am!"

"No, you're not. Thousands of girls out there wish they could hug you. They say you're perfect all the time. They think you're a god, Calum. You may not be one, but you are beautiful, not fat."

"Mum." I sighed, wiping a tear off my cheek.

"Please, son. I love you. What if it went to far? What would I do without you? What would the world do without you?"

"I'm sorry." I sobbed.

"Just promise me you'll eat. Promise me you'll try."


"Please?" I could hear her crying.

"I promise."

"I love you, Calum."

"I love you too, Mum."

"I love you more."

"MUM!" I giggled.

"Oh, and who is this Ashley girl, hmm?"

"No one."

"Liar. Luke told me you 'loved her'." She giggled.


"Yeah, he was on the phone earlier."


"So, who is Ashley?"

"She's a girl."


"She's in a mental hospital at the moment."

"Oh my god."

"She's not all that crazy, I swear. I do love her."



"So, what does she look like?"

"She has beautiful curly brown hair," I grabbed a piece of paper towel from the roll. "And she had big brown eyes."

"Mhh hmm."

"She's pretty short." I laughed.

"Everyone is short to you boys." Mum laughed along.

I grabbed a pen and started drawing her.

"What else? Is that all she is?"

"No! She has a laugh that could make everyone else laugh. She's pretty awkward, too."

"Why is she in a mental hospital?"

"She's schizophrenic."


"Yeah, a-"

"Calum, it's for you." Michael entered the room.

"I'm talking to my Mum, Michael."

"It's the hospital." He smiled.

I snatched the phone from his hand.

"Uh, Mum? Could I ca-"

"Of course, Calum. Go talk to Ashley." She said.

"MUM!" I sighed.

She giggled.

"Bye, Calum. Love you."

"Love you, Mum." I hung up.

"Hello?" I said into the other phone while putting Luke's in my pocket.

"Is this Calum Hood?" A faint voice asked.

"Who is this?" I asked.


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