"he told me to stab you"

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"You're a jerk, Cal." Luke told me after I told him what happened.

"I am?"

"Yeah! You should have let her talk. You know she's not feeling well."


"What do you mean 'Oh'? Go talk to her!"


"Because, she'll feel better, and possibly accept your apology."

"Well. I-Um."

"You like her. Don't you?"

"WHAT? Where'd you get that from?"

"I could tell."

"You can't be serious. I don't like her like that."

"Yeah, you do."

"No I don't."

"Yeah, You do."

"Stop it, Luke. I don't."


"I DON'T!"

"Okay! Okay! Calm down. But are you going to talk to her?"



"Shut up."

He laughed at me as I walked out his room. I sighed, walking out our apartment and to her door. I could hear her snoring on the other side. I couldn't help but smile. I stared at the door, my hand ready to knock. 

I shouldn't. She's sleeping. 

I started to walk away until, Ashley came running out her apartment in her tear stained pajamas. She was crying hard.

"Ashley? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I-I'm sorry." She said.

I noticed she had a knife in her hand. I instantly started to back away, and she got closer.

"Ashley, what are you doing?" I asked, my heart racing with fear.

"I-I-I can't, Jack. Please." She said, dropping the knife.

She fell to her knees, and started to sob. I ran up to her, and kicked the knife away from us. I bent down and hugged her tightly. She was muttering something.

"I-I can't." She said.



"Ashley, w-"


She stood up, and ran out the building. I ran after her.

"Ashley! Stop!" I yelled.

She kept crying, and running. I ran as fast as I could, and caught up to her. I grabbed her arm, and she stopped. She tried to get out of my grasp, but I held onto her tightly. Everyone around us started to stare. I could see paparazzi running up to us a few blocks away.

"Ashley, we have to go."

She didn't say anything. She just kept crying, and trying to get away. I pulled out my phone and called Luke.

"Hello?" He said, sounding like his mouth was full.


"Where are you?"

"Three blocks away from you. HURRY! COME HELP, PLEASE!"

"I'm coming!" I could hear things rattling and he hung up.

I tried my best to pull Ashley into a not-so-crowded store. I pulled her to the back of the store, hiding behind a rack.

"Ashley, calm down. What happened?"

"J-Jack. H-He-" She started to cry again.

"Shh! It's okay, just calm down."

"H-He told m-me to s-stab you."

"What?" I couldn't believe what she just said.

She started sobbing again. I looked around. I saw Luke outside the store, trying to find us. I waved at him, and he saw us. He entered the store, and told a worker to close the doors.

"Cal! What happened?" He asked as he ran in.

"Tell you later. Let's just go." I said.

We exited out the back door, and ran back to our apartment building. We had to carry Ashley, since she wasn't doing anything but crying and sobbing. We laid her down on her purple bed, and she instantly fell asleep.

"So, what happened?"

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