"what happened?"

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I woke up, in a dim room. The sun bled through the blinds, and I squinted at it. I sat up in the warm, soft-as-a-feather bed. I could hear talking through the door. I tried to listen, but I couldn't understand. I looked around and took in my surroundings. 

The bed I was laying in, and a little white nightstand. The white walls were bare, and a white door was in the middle of the wall in front of me. I tried to stand up, but my legs and arms burned once I moved them.

I rubbed my arms, and felt something wet. I looked at my arm, and saw blood dampening my sleeve. I rolled up my sleep and saw bleeding lines all over my forearm. Front and back. I instantly felt a wave of terror as I saw my other arm was covered in cuts as well, and so were my thighs. I noticed a bloody knife on the floor near the bed. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried to stand up, the pain growing stronger.

I noticed I had left blood on the nice, white duvet and bed sheets. I started crying silently. I didn't remember doing this. I didn't remember falling asleep here. I didn't remember anything from yesterday, other than Calum showing up at my door and being a jerk, and Jack telling me to stay away from him.

I cried harder, trying to twist the doorknob. It was locked. I fell to my knees and started sobbing. I heard footsteps approaching the door. The door knob jiggled, and the door was finally opened. I looked up at the person who opened the door. It was Luke, who crouched down next to me the instant he saw me.

His mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear anything over the screams in my head. I could hear Jack screaming and sobbing loudly. I closed my eyes, trying to make it stop. I saw Jack, black tears falling down his cheeks. His blue eyes were fully black again. His blonde hair wasn't blonde anymore. His face was white was snow, and his screams were as loud as bullhorns.

I realized I was screaming too. I opened my eyes, and saw Luke still saying things. I couldn't hear him. I stopped screaming, and tried to stand up. I failed miserably, and fell to the floor. I started to feel light-headed, and I realized my legs were dripping blood. I cried, my forehead on the floor, and my hands gripping the soft carpet.

The blood from my arms and legs painted the cream colored carpet. I could feel someone trying to pull me up, but I couldn't even sit up. I stayed helplessly crying and bleeding on the floor. More footsteps, more people trying to help me up. My body felt like a overweight elephant's. I couldn't move, and my head throbbed. Just as I finally sat up, I felt a piercing pain in my head, and I blacked out.

One I finally woke up, I was in the bed again. The duvet and bed sheets had been changed, and were clean and white. My arms and thighs were wrapped in layers of bandages, the blood barely seeping through. I was in a humongous light grey T-shirt, which thankfully covered my private parts. I sat up, and looked around. I saw Michael was trying to clean my blood off the carpet where I was laying.

"Hey, Ashley. You feeling okay?" Luke said, walking in the room.

I nodded, and he smiled a bit. He sat on the edge of the bed, and sighed. I could tell I had been trouble. He had a exhausted expression, and his faded blue eyes drooped. He looked like he had come back from the gym. He was sweating, and his posture was slumped.

"I-I'm so sorry." I apologized, almost letting tears come out again.

"It's fine, Ashley." He forgave me, looking straight at me.

"No, it's not. I'm sorry I was so much trouble. I'm sorry about all of this. I'm so sorry you had to even meet me. I'm truly sorry, Luke. I wish none of this ever happened." I let out all my tears just as I finished my sentence.

"It's really okay. You don't have to apologize for anything. All that matters is that you're okay now." He said, making me feel better. "But why'd you do this?"

"What even happened? I don't remember cutting. Where am I?" I asked him.

"I'll let Calum explain." He said, walking out the room.

I laid back, and stared at the ceiling. My arms and thighs throbbed as I laid there silently and motionless. Michael was silently cleaning up. I watched him scrub and rub the carpet just until he groaned in frustration, and stood up. He stared at the now faded blood stain. It was almost gone, but you could still see it a bit.

"WHY WON'T THIS GO AWAY?!" He shouted in frustration, walking out the room.

Just as he walked out, Calum walked in. He ran up to me, and hugged me tightly. I didn't know what to do, other than hug him back. I could hear him crying, and he didn't let go in a long time. He finally let go, and wiped his eyes.

I was about to open my mouth, just as my vision started getting blurry. Jack's crying started echoing in my head. I closed my eyes and saw Jack, in his scary state. He was hugging his legs, and crying loudly.

"Why're you hugging him?" He whispered

"He hugged me first." I told him.

"I told you to stay away from him!" He exclaimed, sitting up with his hands in the air.

"I'm sorry."

"He's going to make it worse. He'll tell you lies. He'll make you turn away from me."

"I'll never do that, Jack."

"But you will. Because you didn't do as I said. You didn't do it. We could have gotten rid of him. We could have been happy."

"I'm sorry. Stop crying, please."

"You ruined everything. Why do you care about him? Why don't you care about me?"

"I do care about you, Jack!"

"If you do care about me, you would have done as I said."

"I'm so-"

"I don't care if you're sorry or not. You could have done it. You should have done it. Why didn't you?"

"Do what?"

"Stabbed him. Killed him."

"Why would you want me to do that?"

"We could have gotten rid of him."

"That's not a good way to do that."

"It was the only way."

I didn't answer. Someone shook me, and I opened my eyes. Luke was shaking me, and Calum was standing behind him, crying into Ashton's shoulder. I sat up.

"Ashley, what are you talking about?"

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