Is dad coming?

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Madelynn POV
The next day.

I was awaken by my mom's gentle voice calling for me from her room. I was bewildered as dad would normally wake me up with a new idea for us to work on for the day. I slowly got out of bed and made my way to her room.

My mother was packing a suitcase which was normal as we would constantly go on business trips with him. But that's the thing. Dad wasn't here.

"Hey Lynnie." She smiled. "Morning mom." I mumbled rubbing my eyes with my forearm. "Where's dad?" "He's in New York waiting for us." "Oh. Well why didn't he tell me last night?" "He got a message this morning."

I slowly nodded suspicious of what was going on. Although I was 8, I wasn't easily fooled nor tricked no matter how hard others would try.

"Did something.. happen?" "No no sweetie nothing of the sort he had to go urgently you know how his work is. Now go eat before your breakfast gets cold ok?" I nodded before exiting the room and making my way to the kitchen. I sat on the stool near the island and began to eat.

The suspicion inside me, grew more and more which each passing second. Dad would tell me if he's going anywhere. He always does. After breakfast my mother ushered me to the bathroom before going back to packing some more clothing.

As mother brushed my long brown hair I finally mustered up the courage to query her. "So where are we going?" She pauses before continuing to brush my hair into a ponytail "We're going to your grandparents house." " Oh ok."

Why are you lying. I thought. Your parents left you at 10 and never returned.

We soon headed outside to be welcomed by a tall man in a suit standing by a black tinted car. I have never seen you before. I had a photographic memory so if I saw someone I would never forget them.

Mother placed me in the back seat before getting in with me. "Is dad coming?" I asked more sternly than I intended to. She jumped at the questioned before facing me.

"No he won't be."

Panic insued me. Dad was the only person I ever really felt safe with. Before I could fight my way out of the vehicle something stung me on my neck.

It was similar to a mosquito bite just longer than I hoped for. Everything soon went black and the last sound I heard was my body falling onto the door I was trying to open.

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