The Truth

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Madelynn's POV

It's been a while since Piet and I have heard from the others. No intercoms, no messages, nothing. "Ok I'm going to get them." I sighed, dissolving the small cloud I had created.

"They'll be here soon Maddie." Piet assured me. "That was an hour ago." "Fine let's go." He dashed up and grabbed my hand before we zoomed to the room where they headed to.

The room was dark and Nat and Steve were in the middle. Pietro was about to move when I stopped him. "Its a trap Piet." I whispered. I formed a water me and proceeded to them.

As the form began to move shots were fired at it, bursting the form. "If I passed I would be able to go without any harm to me but when I transform I risk having myself along with Nat and Steve being shot." I continued.

"But what if I go?" I did an equation in my head for his question. "You won't be fast enough to save you and them." "So let me go get them." "I made a promise to care for you like a sister."

He sighed defeated. Now the bullets came from all corners of the room. So if I placed orbs around the machines Piet would be able to break them out. I told Piet my all-great plan.

I stepped forward, placed my hands infront of me and  formed orbs around the machines. They began to rapidly fire as I held strongly onto it. Piet sprinted to Nat and Steve.

Pietro's POV

I began to quickly untie the spy and Cap who were both unconscious. Just to make sure, I checked both of them for a pulse. Good, they were still alive.

"Maddie, they're unconscious." I shouted as she crunched the machines together in one swift movement. "What? Is Bucky there?" "No Maddie." At that moment a bullet went into her right shoulder.

"Get them out of here." She shouted. I nodded and picked up the two before dashing out the room and to the jet.

Madelynn's POV

The shooter stepped out of the shadows to reveal himself as Bucket. I stood up and faced him. "Don't tell me that you're under HYDRA's control."

He fired another shot that I blocked. "Fine let's tango." He placed his gun in the holster before coming at me with a dagger. We began to fight  hand to hand, with him occasionally slicing my skin.

"You. Are no longer. The Winter Soldier." I stated between punches or blocking his attacks in an attemptto bring back the real Buckaroo. "Your name is. James Bucky Barnes. Steve's best friend. And. A sergeant who. Fought in world war 2."

"And someone. Who I care for dearly. And that says alot." He stopped and stared at me with a puzzling look. "Sorry about this Bucket." I swung a punch at Bucky. He stumbled and fell unconscious.

I lifted him in my grasp of water and headed to the jet.

2 hours later...

Nat was in the med bay recovering from several injuries she sustained and Steve was on a call with Fury. Thanks to his serum he woke up earlier and fully healed.

Bucky returned to his old self. Guess that punch knocked the words out of him and Piet was in his room sleeping since it was 1 am.

I was also in my room pacing up and down, thinking of how I can start a conversation with Bucky. I then heard a knock on my door and opened it to see Bucky there.

"We should talk." We chorused surprising the other. I stepped aside and invited him into my room before closing the door.

(And no there isn't any smůt.... yet)

I stood face to face to him. "Can I start?" He asked to which I nodded. He sighed heavily. "Well Maddie I'd like to know why you've been avoiding me for the past few months." I knew he was going to ask this.

"Did I do something?" "No nothing of the sort. Its just that- um. How can I put this? I don't want to get too attached to you." He crossed his arms and stared at me.

How I wished he could look at me like that all the time. "And why do you think you might get attached to me?" "Because Bucket you are someone I genuinely like and don't want to lose."

I loved him but I was afraid to say anything just incase he abandons me later in the future. He stepped up and placed a hand on my jaw before planting a kiss onto my lips.

His tongue made its way to mine as he passionately kissed me. "You won't ever lose me." He said in a hoarse voice before kissing me back. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he wrapped my legs around his waist and pinned me to a wall.

His metal arm held me up while the other ran through my hair. His kiss made their way down my neck,  leaving hickeys. Before he could make his way lower, I lifted his face to mine before we made out for a while before we slept in my bed.

(And not that kind of sleep)

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