True Colours ii

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Bucky's POV

We were all in a military SUV heading back to base. Steve and Nat in the front, me, Tony and the president in the back.

Ever since we came in, Tony looked like he'd seen a ghost. His hands were trembling which was strange because after any successful mission he would be ranting to us about the party he'll be throwing when we return.

He lifted his head and stared me in the eye. "Can I help you Barnes?" He asked, anger and annoyance thick in his voice. "No need to be so aggressive." I said raising my hands in surrender.

He scoffed at me before turning his view back to the floor. He removed his suit and his face showed all the emotions I suspected. Worry, shock, anger and a pinch of joy.

💫Time skip💫

When we arrived, Fury was there waiting at the entrance. We exited the vehicle and made our way to him. Tony was moving to him at an alarming pace.

He stood face to face to Fury. "Why didn't you tell me she wasn't dead?!" He shouted. "Who are you talking about?" Fury asked "Don't play dumb with me Fury. Why didn't you tell me my daughter was still alive?!"

"Tony calm down." Steve said trying to part the two men. "Steve don't tell me to fucking calm down. Director here was keeping a secret from me about my daughter."

"Tony what would he keep from you and Pepper about Morgan." "Oh." Tony chuckled angrily. "Fury knows very well who I'm talking about!" Tony fumed into the compound with Nat and Fury tailing him.

I made my way to Steve. "Who's he talking about?" I asked placing my hands in the pockets of my jacket. "I could ask the same Buck." Steve sighed and we followed the others into the building.

Tony's POV
It couldn't have been Madelynn. She's been dead for 13 years. I quickly made my way to my workshop, about 5 minutes ahead of the others.

"Jarvis retrieve all documents about accident E.M from SHIELD." I ordered. "Right away sir. There will be a short delay as I retrieve the documents." I groaned with frustration before making my way to a nearby cabinet and pulling out a bottle of whiskey.

Accident E.M was the code I used for their accident since it pained me to even say their names. I start drinking from the bottle when I heard Cap's voice. "Tony." He called out. "Here." I said raising my hand that held the bottle.

The team soon made their way to the workshop. "Tony who are you talking about you only have one dau-" "Correction I maybe have 2. I guess I'll have to tell you guys everything. That was a rhetorical question."

"About 21 years ago. Damn 21 already? Anyways 21 years ago I was married to the CEO of EvƏ (pronounced here as Eve) weapons and we had a kid, one of my pride and greatest creations."

"Not many knew about her existence, just us and our parents and I guess you guys now. About 13 years ago they were both involved in... a very tragic accident." I said toning down at the last 4 words when my eyes started shining.

I took as sip of the alcohol before raising my head to the others. "So does that answer your question, and do you see why I'm upset with Fury?" "Tony we-" "The documents are here sir."

"Thanks Jarvis." I said ignoring any advances from the stunned team and swiped through the documents. "And do you think that was her?" "It could be. The assassin looked similar to her but I need to be sure."

I swiped through the documents until one caught my attention. I pushed the others away and zoomed into that one. It had "No bodies and trace of E nor M were found at the scene."

A spark of hope made a way onto me. "I-if that was her then it means that HYDRA has her." "But Tony HYDRA was taken down by SHIELD years ago." Steve stated. "But what if they weren't fully taken down." Romanoff added. The other men and I  faced her. "Take the Maximoff twins for example. They were found in a secure and unknown base."

"You're on to something there Agent Romanoff." Fury stated. "Alright." I clapped. "Let's get started." "With what Stark?" "With this." Barnes answered raising a smart watch. "What are we waiting for? Let's begin." Steve said.

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