Meeting again.

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Madelynn's POV

I was currently at the island eating breakfast. The others were dispersed around the kitchen and living room.

Wanda was eating with Vision, after the many pushes I gave her, Pietro was in the gym and Nat was probably sleeping.

So it was just me at the island, which wasn't a bother since I preferred to spend time alone once in a while. It was just me and my thoughts really.

"Hey Doll." Bucky greeted. My gaze shifted from the wall to Bucky. I raised my hand to which he smiled at. The greeting was quiet so that the team especially my dad wouldn't suspect anything.

After eating I headed to the meeting room and began the preparations for my presentation.

The quiet area was calming and I almost dozed off from the lack of sleep. Because of this I have been seeing glimpse of my past before and during my time with HYDRA the entire morning.

I would constantly get this feeling that HYDRA wasn't finished with me yet. Making my senses always be on high alert.

I finished preparing and by then the team was in there, either taking seats or standing. Presentations would make me nervous.

I despised public speaking and being the centre of attention. They just didn't sit right with me. I was the complete opposite of dad with these situations.

I soon began explaining who the supplier was and where she was. It was all short information but a very long presentation for me. I was always confident in my work but presenting it was a hassle.

The team was now up to date and Cap took the wheel and told us about the mission for the day.

I took a seat next to Bucket, since it was the last seat open. He gently held my hand under the table which made any tense feeling I had dissappear.

The meeting ended and as usual I was told to stay back with Bucky so that he could 'look over me'. Even the thought made me shake my head.

Dad obviously threatened Buckling that if anything happened or happened to me, he would be joining his fellow soldiers from World War 2.

The team soon left and it was just me and Bucket. I was obviously in my lab working on modifications.

Bucket would occasionally check to see if I was ok and a gentle kiss here and there.

💫Time skip💫

I grew bored and decided to go for a walk outside since it felt like forever since I took a walk for myself. The thought soon dawned on me that I was getting too attached to Bucky.

I didn't want him to abandon me nor him do the same to me. The thought continuously gnawed at my soul.

I didn't have anyone to talk to about it nor did I want to share anything. Same with my nightmares and trauma.

If I loved someone, all of it would be pushed onto the person and that is something I wouldn't be able to live with.

I was now in my room and changed off into an outfit for late spring.

I braided my hair before picking up some cash and heading to the living room where Bucket would be

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I braided my hair before picking up some cash and heading to the living room where Bucket would be.

"I'm heading out for a while 'kay?" I stated placing my hands into the hoodie's pockets. Bucky looked stunned but I wasn't sure by what.

He stood up and approached me. "Where Maddie?" "Anywhere really. Don't follow me. I'll be fine." "Your dad wants me to stay with you."

"And dad forgot I'm almost 22." I snapped. I sighed rubbing my eyes. "I didn't mean to snap but just need to clear my head without anyone there to disturb me."

He just stared at me like the first time we met, emotionless with a slight look of anger. I returned the stare before walking off the compound.

Everything was just stressful and I needed to find a way to regain some level of control.

As I walked I sensed someone following me. Anger boiled in me since it must be Fossil #2. "I swear if its you, Bucky I will rip your arm off."

"Seems that your senses are  better than ever." I heard a voice commented. A familiar voice of someone I wish to never hear or see again.

I turned to check if my suspicions were right and right they were. "Hello Marine Soldier." Zemo smiled at me.

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