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7 Months Later
Bucky's POV

Sam and I were scouting a base owned by a local criminal selling Vibranium illegally.

We were there to bust the operation and hand them to the police. We were in a nearby forest carefully and slowly approaching the base which was in the middle of nowhere.

Sam's annoying drone kept buzzing near my head which was really annoying. "Move it or I'll break it." I demanded trying to smack it away but it moved just in time.

"Hey don't hurt him." Sam laughed controlling the drone. He was on the roof of the building and already took out the team that was up there so that I could sneak in without ammunition being shot at me.

Once in close proximity of the building I noticed that no trucks, nothing was out there just the base. "Are you sure that they are supposed to be here? I'm not seeing anyone."

"Well let's see how many Redwing sees." The drone scanned the area with a red beam. "Would you look at that, there's two trucks and 7 men in there."

I sighed before taking out my gun holding with both hands and followed the drone into the building. "Went to Wakanda as Bucky Barnes and came out White Panther."

"It's actually White Wolf." "Huh?"

Once in there I hid behind a wall of metal containers. I gawked at the men who loaded the trucks and were exchanging goods when I felt a presence next to me.

My gaze shifted and revealed that it was Sam. I looked at him before looking behind him. "How?" I muttered. "We need to find a strategy of how to sneak on them."

"I have a metal arm I can take them." "And I can fly who gives a shit." Sam responded as he fiddled with the small computer on his wrist.

I grew impatient and reloaded my gun as he thought of what we could do. When I peeked, I notice that the persons were gone and the trucks were about to leave.

"They're leaving Sam." I shouted putting the gun back in my holster. "Guess we'll have to catch up with them and stop them there."

I rolled my eyes at him before I dashed out of the building and Sam flew out. In no time I soon catches up with the truck and threw a knife into the back tire causing the vehicle to skid to a stop.

Sam flew to the one ahead while I dealt with the one that stopped. Armed men exited the vehicle.

One shot a bullet to my head which I blocked with my metal arm. Another came to which I swung at his head. Man after man came to which I disarmed and knocked unconscious.

I headed to the driver's seat to check if anyone was there and was face to face with a bomb that was ticking down from 3. Before I could react it blew up flinging me backwards.

"You good?" Sam questioned with a laugh. "If being launched miles away from a vehicle is ok then yeah I'm great." I groaned getting up.

"Well the Vibranium is lost." I sighed watching helplessly as the vehicle was engulfed in flames.

A while later...

We were back at base patching up some wounds we sustained when Steve entered the Med Bay. "There's a letter for you." He said handing it to me.

"Steve I swear if its another confession letter I will burn it." Steve laughed at my response as I collected the letter.

"Its from Maddie." He assured me. I was ecstatic and noticed that the letter had an Asgardian emblem on it in y/f/c.

She would normally send a letter every 2 weeks for the past few months. So this wasn't all that suprising.

I opened it and read.

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