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Madelynn's POV

I was awaken by the loud pounding on my door. I took my hand from under my sheet and opened the door via water.

A very pissed Nat and an excited Wanda entered my room. "Who's ruffled your feathers?" I groggily questioned Nat. "Lynn you forgot about the party?" "No but do I have to?" "Unless you want to break your old man's heart." Wanda chirped.

"Fine fine. Give me 10 minutes to bathe ok." I yawned. "So meet back here in 10 minutes?" "Yea ok." The two women left my room and I headed to my bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth before heading back to my room.

As I dried myself I heard a knock on my door. I wrapped myself and opened it to see the girls on the other side. They barged in with bags of make-up, outfits in protective coverings, boxes, and hair items.

"Your motto was to go big or go home huh?" I giggled. "Duh. How else will you get Bucky to fall head over heels for you? Not that I have to do anything. " Wanda exclaimed muttering the last part.

I blushed involuntarily before brushing off the feeling. "And what about Bruce and Vision huh?" I smirked making it their turn to blush.

We got ready for the party while chatting about missions, my inventions and new recipes Wanda came up with. Nat did my make up and Wanda did my hair, before they helped each other.

We then got changed in different parts of my room; I was in the bathroom, Wand in my room room and Nat in my large closet.

I changed and looked into the mirror and was surprised by the work they did. Not to boast or anything but I looked hot.

 Not to boast or anything but I looked hot

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A smile made its way onto my face. Once I knew the others were finished, me and Nat entered my bedroom.

Nat and Wanda both looked breathtaking and they soon found out when they stepped infront of my mirror.

Nat wore:

Wanda wore:

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Wanda wore:

We all exchanged a 'You guys look hot' look

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We all exchanged a 'You guys look hot' look. "Looks like you too won't have a problem dragging Bruce and Vis away." I smirked. "Could say the same with you and Bu-" Wanda began but we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Its me hon." Dad called out. "The door's open." I sighed, thinking and hoping it was Bucky. He entered and looked at me stunned. "You look so beautiful." He smiled before hugging me.

"Thanks dad you don't look bad yourself." "I know." He laughed. "I actually have something for you. Its one of your grandmother's prized possessions I kept for you since you were a kid."

He opened a medium size box to reveal a light blue sapphire necklace hanging by a cluster of small diamonds.

He opened a medium size box to reveal a light blue sapphire necklace hanging by a cluster of small diamonds

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I smiled at the gift and turned around so he could put it on as I held up my hair. After he hooked it,  he kissed my forehead before hugging me again.

"Well you guys should hurry because all the guests are here and waiting for you 3, and Maddie there's someone well actually two I'd like you to meet. Alright guys hurry up ok?"

"Sure Tony." Nat and Wand chorused. "Maddie?" "Yeah Dad." "Good." He soon left and we did some final touch-ups before heading to the living room.

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