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Madelynn's POV

It was a soft gentle kiss. We soon parted away from each other, breathless and staring deep into the other's eyes. There was a pattering heard from the hallway and panting followed with it.

"Maddie..." Pete panted, leaning his hand onto the frame as he took a deep breath. "Your dad's looking for you." "Yeah ok I'm coming."

I took off my hoodie carefully as I headed to Pete. "Why were you panting? Were you fighting the chitauri army alone?" I laughed, playfully punching his shoulder as we headed to the elevator.

We soon opened the doors to see that they were only a few guests left and the avengers there. Cool I can manage this amount of people. "Look who returned?" Nat smiled. "And where were you two and what were you doing?" Dad questioned.

Catching onto his intentions Peter blushed at the thought and began to state our alibi. "W-we were in the lab working on a new suit Madelynn designed." "A new suit?" Dad asked, turning his attention to me with a questioning look.

"Yeah. The same one I wanted you to check on but Peter helped me so I don't need you to check it anymore." I stated almost bitterly. "But its coming along great. The helmet and glove are almost finished." I smiled.

"Can I still see them and I'm sorry for not checking it earlier Maddie." Dad apologized. "I'll let Jarvis send the prints to you." I responded

"Alright enough sad story time to play a game." Nat interjected. "And what game is that Lady Natasha?" Thor boomed." "A drinking game." She smirked. Wanda, Vision, Peter, Steve, Clint, Bruce, and Sam all refused to participate.

"What about you Maddie?" Steve asked. "Well I'm not one to turn down an honest challenge." I responded. Dad was laughing in the corner of my eye. I guess Pepper and Morgan have already went to bed.

I sat on the sofa between Pietro and Nat. A woman, supposedly her sister, by the name of Yelena came back with 3 bottles of vodka, 2 whiskey bottles and 2 cases of beer for Thor.

At that moment Bucky reentered the room. We held eye contact as he sat next to Sam who was on my far left.

"Ok so the game is simple." Yelena began with a very deep Russian accent. "Whoever bails out last is the winner. But the catch is the more persons that bail, the larger the quantity of alcohol will be." She stated pointing to various cup sizes.

From shot glasses all the way to red cups. The game soon began and after many rounds Yelena, Thor, Valkyrie and I were the last persons drinking. They were bets of who would come out next.

They were mostly on me but I wanted to prove them wrong. The table was filled of cups, alcohol bottles, and napkins.

Bucky's POV

Madelynn was flat out drunk just like the others who were still playing. Most of the team went to bed or went home. Only the remaining players, Vision, Nat, Wanda and I were present.

A next round was coming and I felt that I need to intervene before she does something she will regret. "Madelynn I think you should stop play now." I intervened. She rose her head to me.

"Why should I bucky bear?" She slurred. "Madelynn, you're drunk." "Yer beautiful." "Fuck you really are drunk." "Are you going to bail Lady Madelynn?" Thor laughed.

"Yes she is." "No I'm not." We both said at the same time. She was about to get another glass when I held her wrist before she could grab it.

In response she formed a sword out of water and held it against my throat. "Bucketttt. Why's there two of you?" She slurred as the object lost its form and fell onto the floor.

"Come on let's go." "No. I refuse to bail." I sighed, picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.  "Put me down." She whined hitting me repeatedly in my back. "I'm heading out now." I said as I left the room.

Madelynn soon passed out which made it easier for me to take her to her room. The moment we entered she woke up and I sat her on her bed. She took off her heels while mumbling random equations.

She soon got up and dashed to her bathroom and leaned over the toilet. I held her hair up and I looked away as she puked. When I knew she was finished I brought her a napkin and wiped her mouth.

She reentered her bedroom and began to undress herself. Before she could do anything I stopped her by holding her shoulders. "No Madelynn. Wait here ok." I made my way to her closet and handed her a hoodie.

I turned my back as she changed. She tapped me on my shoulder. "Hey Buckling. I'm finished you can turn around." She had on the hoodie that was mid thigh and her long brown wavy hair was loosed and rolling down her shoulders and back.

I got a towel and began to gently rub away her make-up and a glass of water. After, she crawled into her bed and immediately fell asleep. Once I was sure she was ok, I came out of her room and went to mine down the hall.

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