Where's Lynnie?

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Tony's POV
A few hours after Evienne and Madelynn left.

Happy and I had just arrive back from a meeting I attended at Stark Tower. I was upset I didn't tell Maddie, but to make up for it I got her a toolkit similar to mine that I've been working on for 6 months.

As we approached the mansion it was unusually quiet. It would normally have a sound of Maddie tinkering in the kitchen with her mother pleading with her to finish off studying.

"Tony would you like me to stay outside or.." Happy asked since the last time he came in unbeknownst without me, Lynnie blasted him with her own version of my Iron Man glove.

"Happy come, she won't blast you again." I laughed at the thought that my head of security got ambushed by an eight year old.

We entered the building. "Maddie!" I called out but there wasn't a response. I made my way to her room as I called out for Evienne and Maddie.

"Hey Jarvis where's Evie and Lynn?" "I'm not sure sir." "What do you mean you're not sure. Scan the perimeter." "No life source other than you Mr. Stark and Mr. Happy." "Did they tell you where they're going?" "I'm afraid not sir."

Panic was flooding over me. "Pull up security cam footage and start tracking Evie's phone and Maddie's screwdriver." "Right away sir." I took off my jacket and began to search through the footage displayed on the hologram infront of me while informing Happy to call the security team in hopes they might be with them.

I placed a tracker in Maddie's screwdriver just incase anything bad might happen and it was good that she carried it everywhere rather than any toy she has.

3rd person POV

Tony never really showed emotions of fear or worry but it was written all over his face. Worried where his daughter and wife may be. He scrolled and scrolled throughout the hologram searching through the day's activity.

"Any news about where they might be with the team." "Tony the team's.." "The team's what?" "They aren't with them." Tony froze and slowly turned his head to Happy. "Send out a dispatch team NOW!" Happy nodded and followed his orders.

Once no footage was found Tony rushed to his workshop with Happy tailing behind him. The worried man soon entered his Iron Man suit and left the place to urgently start searching for his daughter.

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