Dad why?

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May 2008
Evienne's POV

I was making breakfast for Maddie when my phone rang. I curiously headed to the phone to see who was calling this early in the morning.

Tony was calling so I answered the phone placing it on speaker. "Tony?"

"Hey hon how are you?" He smiled at me causing me to smile back. "I'm good and you?" "A little under the weather but I'm great." I took a clearer look at his background to see he was still in his office which was across the world from our Malibu mansion.

The happiness I once had drained away almost immediately. "Tony are you going to be here for Maddie's birthday?" He gave me an unsettling look.

"Stark are you coming for Madilynn's birthday?" I said almost shouting. "No Evie I can't." He sighed. "This is the third time in a row. When the fuck are you going to be here for a change?" Anger boiled inside me at how my husband couldn't make it for his only child's birthday.

There was an upsetting silence. "Are you going to answer me?!" I shouted. "Evie I-" "Am a lousy excuse for a father." Tony had a hurt look. Even though he wasn't always present, any free chance he got he would spend it with Maddie no matter what time, and we all knew it.

I sighed heavily rubbing my temples. "I'm sorry Tony but when will you be here." I said in a calmer manner than a few minutes ago. "I'll be there tomorrow I promise you ok?" "O-Ok." "Call me when Maddie wakes up ok? I love you." "I love you too Tony bye."

3rd person POV

Unbeknownst to the adults Madelynn was already awake for the entire call. She knew that her father wasn't always there for her birthday but it hurt the child even more with each passing year.

"Good morning Ms. Stark and happy birthday." The robotic voice said from her ceiling. "Thanks Jarvis." She said trying to sound alright. "Would you like me to inform your mother that you are awake?"

"No it's- it's ok." She sighed getting off her bed and making her way to her bathroom. Jarvis was like a brother to her. Often helping her with homework given by her tutors or parents and chatting with her when her parents had to work late hours.

Madelynn could sense how her parents' marriage was shifting constantly.

It worried her to think if she would still get to tinker in the lab with her dad or if she'd be able to make music with her mother.

Before she knew it tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Ms Stark are you alright?" "Yeah yeah j-just something got caught in my eyes."

She wiped away the tears before making her way to change into some comfortable clothes and leaving her wet hair down.

Her parents' marriage may seem perfect with their both successful business and perfect house and perfect child.

It was like a wrapped box. Outside may seem perfect but once the covering is teared off, all the troubles and imperfections showed. Nothing was perfect with the Stark family. Nothing at all.

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