The second meeting

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(A/N: The story might progressively get longer. I apologize if that isn't your cup of tea. A lot may happen from now. Pls vote if you like the series or just read it if u don't want to. Ty to all who read this)


Madelynn's POV

I've been sitting in the back of this van for a while as some agents were driving me to where his office was.

I stared through the moonroof to see it was late at night. At HYDRA there wasn't anyway I could tell the time of day, so missions would be a rare experience to see times like these.

The van soon stopped snapping me back to reality. "Marine Soldier do your job and make it back an hour from now." The agent opposite me ordered. I nodded once before leaving the van, uzi in hand.

In the file it was stated that the door will be locked and only open with a specific card which was the one the vice president provided me with.

The main reason for my mission was so that the vice president, who is HYDRA's devoted follower, can become president and allow all of HYDRA's wills come to light without any legal issues.

I stood by the door and swiped the card swiftly, before quietly pushing the door open.

There were 2 guards strolling  the large area. Before they could comprehend my arrival I fired several shots at them, ending their lives.

It was also stated to kill anyone who gets in the way which I didn't have a problem with, since pity and guilt were never present in my life for the past few years.

I stepped over their corpses and blood before entering the elevator and going to the top floor. As I waited, I played out how all of this will end. All endings being that I have successfully completed the mission.

The metal doors soon opened to reveal a dark room with the chair facing the large windows with a person seated in it. I stepped out and felt something was off.

Ignoring that feeling, I placed a suppressor onto my pistol and aimed for the person's head, taking it to be the president, and pulled the trigger. Moments before the bullet came into range of the person's head, a shield flew into it, shatteting my bullet.

The shield soon crashed into the wall. I got a closer look to see that it had a star with red and blue rings circling it.

The lights soon came on and I faced the direction of which the weapon came from.

There stood two men and a.. robot? One of the men had a metal arm and the other had a blue suit with a star in the chest's centre. The robot's mask was removed to reveal a man with brown eyes and a goatie.

The man seemed familiar to me but I couldn't recall from where. It doesn't matter. What matters is me completing the mission at hand.

"Alright kid lay down the weapon and we'll have no problem." Tin Man stated. I glared at the three men. "Not much of a talker I see." He commented.

I scanned the men trying to find any weakness."We won't ask again," He said firmly closing down his mask. "Lower your weapon." I fired some shots in their direction.

Tony's POV
"Bucky stall her and Tony help me take the president to Nat." Cap ordered. We nodded and did as told. Bucky dashed to the assassin, as Steve ran to his shield.

The assassin fought with Barnes for a while before she kicked him into the elevator with a loud bang. She was advancing to Cap when I shot a blast of energy inches away from her  face.

She aimed at me and fired several shots, which just bounced off the suit. Learning from her mistake she flung a table at me.

3rd person POV

Tony stumbled back from the impact of the table, giving Madelynn a chance to head to Steve.

She swung a kick to the hero's head causing him to fling into the wall. He got up and shoved her with his shield. Madelynn grabbed his shield and threw it across the room before landing a few punches onto Steve.

They performed hand to hand combat until Steve was on the ground. Stepping over his body she went to the president and drew her dagger from her side.

She stared into the president's pleading eyes and lifted the weapon until a blast hit her directly in the stomach.

She groaned from the excruciating pain running through her body. Her breathing becoming heavy as she pressed her hand onto the new wound. Taking a closer look she had seen blood start to dampen her suit.

Her face also felt free. Touching her face she noticed the mask was gone from the impact of hitting a thick glass wall.

Tony gave her a closer look. He gave her a fearful and stunned look before mustering the courage to say something he thought he'd never say again.


"Who the hell is Lynnie Tin Man?"

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