Marine Soldier

959 23 7

2023 (present)
Madelynn's POV

"Hey Lynnie can you pass the screwdriver?" "Sure." The man collected a screwdriver from a young girl.

"Thanks kid." He said before turning in some screws as the girl stared at him in admiration.

"Lynnie how's your glove coming along?" "The blasters aren't coming on. Maybe the numbers are off?" "The numbers are right you just used the wrong technique."

The man did something to the metal glove and the circle in the middle of the palm lit up.

"Get up!" The soldier at my cell shouted, banging the end of his gun onto the bars. I rose off the cold concrete floor and stood immediately not wanting to disobey his orders in fear of being tortured later on.

"Baron has a mission for you." He said opening my cell. I stared at the man. Emotions no where in sight as I left the cell. We then headed down to the Baron.

All I have ever remember was being tortured and experimented on, over and over again. As a result of being injected with a liquid, I have developed hydrokinesis and other water related powers that the scientists continuously study.

With each brainwash, there would be memories and emotion being stripped away. I just felt like a husk of whatever soul used to be in my body.

I'm not sure of my name, age, family, nothing. All I knew was the same thing I detest, HYDRA. The only thing keeping me 'sane' would be that dream I had earlier that repeated itself for the past few months.

Before I knew it we were at the laboratory where I'd be constantly experimented on. "Marine Soldier." Zemo called out, my gaze shifting to him immediately.

Marine Soldier was the only name I was addressed by and knew.

"How are you?" I stared him in the eyes, piercing his soul. "Quiet as always. Well.." He said clasping his hands.

"The head has a new mission for you today." He said handing me a file that I studied in that small time frame.

"Is everything understood?" He asked. "Yes Baron." I responded. "Excellent. Leave us." He ordered to everyone in the room.

They complied and it was just the Baron and I. "Marine Soldier take your time out there ok. Make it back in time and with the mission completed." "Yes Baron."

"Alright. Go eat something and prepare before the next hour." He dismissed. I left the room with my two 'guards' there taking me to the 'dining room'. Being the only girl there I'd often be harassed but the Baron was there to represent me whenever he could.

Contrary to popular belief Baron is actually a decent person.

After eating whatever was left, I made my way to the locker room. I stripped and inspected the many purple and black bruises and scars that littered across my y/s/c skin.

I was also aware of the amount of perverted eyes that were on me being the only woman in the facility. How I wish I could've shot them with the cold water coming from the shower heads.

I made my way to the shower, turned it on and bathed myself, fighting the urge to just end all of them.

At the end I was handed a  small towel and was taken back to my cell to change into the suit I was provided with.

It was a purple and black suit, with combat boots and a mask similar to the Winter Soldier's.

It was a purple and black suit, with combat boots and a mask similar to the Winter Soldier's

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After changing I was taken to the weapons room to collect my weapons. Baron was in there talking with two scientists before shifting his attention to me.

"Choose your weapons. Are you charged?" I charge myself with water via dehydration or hydration. "Yes Baron." I said picking up two pistols and two daggers which I placed on either sides of my suit.

I finally picked up a Uzi gun. "What's your mission Marine Soldier?" Baron asked as I loaded the weapon. "To assassinate the president." "Good Soldier now go." "Yes Baron."

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