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Bucky's POV

All of her reflections disappeared in one instant.

She's dead now isn't she? Those words together broke my heart. It was a shocking pain.

A pain worse than what I experienced at HYDRA. Pepper and Wanda were scream crying at this point while Nat was crying silent tears.

The others were all deeply sad and it showed. The two woman cried onto the shoulders of their husband.

I moved from my spot and headed to the gym not wanting to show my misery infront of the team.

Once there I began punching all of my pain and sadness into a punching bag, changing a teared one every 2 minutes until I grew tired of all the pain.

I took a seat near the wall, leaning my head against it and allowing the tears to flow. "Why Maddie? Why not someone else? It could've been anyone but it had to be you."

A few days later...

We were outside the base near the river. The persons who fought along side us were there to pay their respects and dressed in black attire.

Pepper, Morgan, Tony and I were at the front of the crowd. Pepper pushed the wreath that we made for Maddie with her screwdriver in the centre, into the small stream.

Tony had no emotions whatsoever just like how I was. The pain must've stunned him so much that he's unable to feel anything.

I just stared forward into nothing as any movement would cause tears to flow. Morgan clutched onto her mother's arm as she was just as devastated.

I really missed her and would do anything just to have her alive and with us again.

We stood there and had a minute of silence for the fallen Avenger. I mostly thought about the moments we had together.

I didn't know that I would be clinging onto these memories for the rest of my life.

After the minute we went back into base and to her lab as the key her reflection gave us was for that.

I guess after she died she locked it so that no one could enter and take any of her work.

The minute after Tony unlocked the room and we entered Jarvis spoke up. "Welcome Avengers." The robotic voice began.

"Ms. Stark has left a recording for you all. Would you like me to play it?" Tony turned to the team who all nodded before he responded with yes.

The AI sent a projection infront of the team. The projection was of Maddie working in the lab on something.

"Is it on Jarvis?" She questioned the AI. "The recording has already began Ms. Stark." "Awesome. So by the time you guys are watching this I'm already dead. Kicked the bucket. Shaking hands with Death. You get the point."

"Well I'm not sure what one leaves after they die so I will leave important and basic info. I am supposed to be dead for- I can't say that now can I. Well if I'm gone for a really long time please take care of my lab."

"Also I have some items that I have prepared for you guys over there. And for Morgan there is enough to last until she reaches an adult. And if she matures into the 'Stark era's there are designs that are unfinished."

"So thats basically it. You guys might not really find this as fun as expected or happy but yeah. I am on borrowed time here so yeah. Madelynn Stark out. Jarvis cut it now."

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