Bye Lynn.

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Third Person POV...

Maddie was in her room rummaging through pieces of clothing and tossing them into her suitcase.

Meanwhile the Avengers were in the cell area listening and asking questions from the information Loki told her.

They were to say the least dumbfounded and wanted more information but he himself didn't know anything more than they knew at the moment.

Unbeknownst to the crowd, the team had returned and were on their way to them. Once there, Steve brought them up to date of what was happening.

As expected they were all dejected especially Bucky and Wanda. As if on cue, Madelynn came back into the room in search of her phone which she left with Pepper.

"Hey Pepper you have my phone right?" She questioned scanning through documents to see which she should carry with her. She rose her head awaiting an answer from the ginger only to take notice that the team arrived.

There was a mixture of emotions going on. She felt happy that they've returned but was sad that she will be leaving them. She pushed the sad thought away and quickly walked over to Bucky before hugging him tightly.

He returned the hug before kissing the top of her head. "So you missed me?" He questioned. "Maybe a little." Maddie laughed. They parted and she collected her device from Pepper.

"You finished packing?" Tony asked to which she nodded. "Who gave you impression that I will be taking you?" Loki asked her. "If you don't take me Thor will."

Loki groaned before agreeing to her demands.

A while later...
Madelynn's POV

We were in the living room eating snacks and drinking. The team were sharing stories as a way so that I wouldn't forget them. It was like a small party.

Morgan was asleep and just the adults were out. I sat on one end of the couch and Bucky was on the other side drinking as well. Guessed I rubbed off on him.

For most of the night we would exchange glances or stare each other in the eye. Like a teasing staring contest which would end with him winning.

Until I got tired of waiting so I was going to pull the first move.

"Well I'm going to bed." I mentioned laying my glass onto the table before exiting the room. Bucky soon got up and joined me. Wanda and Nat were snickering while the others were confused as to why.

He soon caught up with me and held my hand as we walked. It was likely that Morgan was asleep in my room so we went to his.

(I don't like doing this but hey this is a disclaimer. Sm/t is coming, I think light one or so anyways it is coming. But yh and it might be horrible but its something I wanted to try so let's see how this goes. Oh and if u hate smt skip until u see 🎭)

"I'm taking a bath ok." I stated taking off my shirt and entering the bathroom leaving the door open.

I undressed myself and entered the shower turning on the water and waited for the cold water to turn warm. The clear shower door opened."Lets make this quick." Bucky said taking off his shirt.

"What took you so long?" I smirked scanning his body as he undressed and stood in the shower with me.

He pulled me by the waist before hungrily kissing my neck causing soft moans to escape my lips.

He wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed me onto the warm tile walls. His kisses trailed from my lips to between my breasts.

His firm grip on the back of my neck kept my head up as my breath hitched in my throat.

His fingers teased my entrance as he leaved marks on my neck and chest. He pushed two fingers in me, causing my breath to tremble from the sudden action.

He thrusted slowly into me, grunting as my nails dug into his skin. He quickened his pace and went deeper into me giving us both pleasure.

The more he went, the more I felt closer to reaching climax. He kept moving in a rhythm which itched me closer but I really wanted him to continue as long as possible.

The thrusting went harder which was the breaking point and I came on his fingers. He stopped and pulled out of me giving me a chance to catch my breath.

I regained my footing as I  held onto his shoulders just incase my feet gave out. The liquid ran down my thighs onto the floor.

Bucky ran a hand through his hair as the other wrapped around my waist in a protective manner. "I love you Maddie." He smiled kissing my cheek.

I faced the shower head before responding. "I love me too." He chuckled before littering kisses onto my neck and shoulders.


We exited the shower and he changed into a shirt and pants while I changed into one of his shirts. We laid on his bed and chatted while he played with my hair.

"Promise me that you won't move on." He whispered. The question was suprising. "Of course not Bucky. I have you and you are all I need ok?"

We chatted for close to an hour before falling asleep in each other's embrace.

Next morning
Around 12pm...

We were all at the front of the base. Four of us were heading to Asgard. The two Gods for obvious reasons, Wanda because dad didn't want me to be the only girl and because Wanda wouldn't stop begging me to go and there is me.

I really didn't want to leave. Thor were fetching out our luggage to the front. I said my goodbyes to the team but wanted to give Dad, Pepper, Morgan and Bucky a special one.

I approached Dad, Pep and Morgan first. "Guess this is it until next 7 months." I stated. Morgan was in tears and hugged me tightly. "Don't leave Maddie." She cried.

I patted her head gently before kneeling to her level. "Its just for a while. When I return we'll do whatever you want ok?" I assured her. She nodded wiping away her tears and clutching onto her mother's arm.

"We are all very proud of you Lynn." Pepper began which caused me to smile as I never heard anyone ever say that they were proud of me. "If anything at all happens please let us know."

"I'll keep that in mind." I smiled hugging her. Dad gave me a small smile before hugging me as well.

He handed me a box and told me not to open it until I reached there. After a few words being exchanged I headed over to Bucky who I immediately hugged.

"I'll miss you Doll." He mumbled. "I'll miss you too Buck." "I'll love you for the rest of my life and you'll love me for the rest of yours." He smiled before kissing me.

I nodded before I headed over to the others. They gave their final goodbyes while at stared lovingly at Bucky. "Heimdall open the Bifrost." The brothers shouted in unison as they looked up.

And in a stream of rainbow colours we were gone.

(An: apologies if this sounded horrible but practice makes perfect. The story is almost at an end and I am really excited to start a new project 🤗. Lots of Love
-Shtamase ✌)

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