Its all my fault

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Madelynn's POV

Zemo was sitting on a nearby bench and gazed at me. Feeling threatened, I formed two orbs one either sides of my head.

"Easy soldier, I'm not here to fight." He smiled getting up from the chair and approaching me.

"How are you out of Wakanda?" "People like me always find a way out of situations like these."

I aimed the orbs at him making him stop. "And this is how you repay me?" "You weren't a blessing, Zemo." "Sure I wasn't. I'm not here to chat though." At that moment I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

My orbs soon lost their form and fell to the ground the same moment that I did. "I'm here to simply here to take back what I worked so hard on." He stated in a muffled voice.

I tried to stand but lost consciousness.

3rd Person POV

It was 5 hours since Madelynn left. The entire team was back and stressing, especially Tony and Bucky. Tony was livid that he left Maddie with Bucky and came back to see her missing.

Tony was trying to track her phone, but it wasn't giving off any signals. In a fit of rage, he slammed his fists against the table.

He got up and advanced to Bucky. "Its all your fault Barnes. I actually listened to Cap and allowed you to protect her but you couldn't." He yelled.

"She's just as stubborn as you are and I'm being blamed here. Why wasn't she allowed to go on the mission huh? You continuously treat her like a child." Bucky yelled back.

Steve came and separated the two. "Yelling at each other won't help anything." He firmly stated. The two men glared at the other before taking a step back.

"Tony how about we circle the area and Bruce tracks her phone." Tony sighed and agreed with Steve's arrangement. "I'm coming with you." Bucky insisted.

"No you're not." Tony fumed. "I wasn't asking Stark." Bucky replied, picking up a jacket before getting onto his motorcycle and circling the area with half of the team.

Madelynn's POV

An entire bucket of cold water fell onto my head abruptly bringing back to consciousness.

I tossed my head back and was met with the gazes of scientists, guards and Zemo. Tears formed in my eyes. "Not again. I can't do this again." I stammered.

I tried to form orbs or blades of water but nothing happened. "Oh and don't even think of trying to use your powers. The sedative you were injected with will block your powers for the next 3 hours."

My breathing was sharp and fast as tears streamed down my face. The one thing I didn't want to happen again was about to happen.

"You know what happens to traitors of HYDRA, don't you Marine Soldier?" Zemo questioned. He was referring to death and that was one of the many things I feared.

"You are too much of value for me to kill and waste years of research." That could only mean one thing. "Teach her a lesson she won't ever forget."

The tears streamed down my face at an alarming pace as the soldiers grinned ear to ear.

(Author's Note.
My apologies for interrupting your reading but would like to say that abuse and torture will be coming ahead. So if its not ur cup of tea pls skip until u see 🧩. Ty for reading, lots of love)

The guards heated the blades of knifes as some adjusted a camera. They were going to send it all to dad. "If you're going to torture me do so, but leave my dad out of it or I swear I will kill you myself."

"And how do you plan on doing that when you are helpless yourself? This time you aren't getting free from us."

Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to break free from the tight restraints on my wrists and ankles. I had little to no movement because moving would cause more pain.

A guard soon approached me with a knife that had been heated to the point the blade was a bright orange/red.

He stabbed the hot blade into the flesh below my chest and dragged it down. A scream escaped my lips.

The sizzling of my flesh against the heated and sharp blade, along with the smell of burning flesh, fueled my screams and tears.

The blade stopped at my hip and was pulled out with blood running down it and the guard's hand. I looked down at my body to see the same clothes I wore before, covered in new blood.

The open wound had blisters at the lines of the cut. A shock collar was placed around my neck by a guard.

It was turned to max and I was shocked with high volts with the press of a button. After each shock my body trembled more and more with fear and anger.

The only thing I could hear were my screams and breathing. How I wished all of this could end now with one gunshot. I rose my head up to see that they all had a look of 'we're just getting started.'


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