Getting somewhere

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The next morning...
Madelynn's POV

I was now at my 6th cup of coffee and circling the room when the computer dinged. I meandered to the computer and saw the contact who was supplying them all. " Delora E. Hansley." I said softly.

The last name sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on where I heard it from. Must've been because I was desperate for a name and exhausted.

I laid my cup down and did the easy part of all of this, tracking it. This took about 10 minutes to track Delora's location. She was in Prague.

I sensed that someone was at the door and returning to old habits, I threw a blade in the direction of where I estimated the shoulder to be. Once I didn't here flesh being torn and came to terms with my action, I spun around.

Bucky stood at the doorway holding the dagger by its blade. "Nice throw." He smiled at me. "Sorry Bucket. Old habits." "I guess so. Its 4 am, are you ok?"

"Yeah. I got a name for the investor. Delora Hansley." Bucky approaches the computer and leant over me, one hand on the chair I sat on and the metal one was on the table.

I admired all of his facial features as he examined the computer. But out of all his perfect features, I was hypnotized by his blue eyes. I caught myself staring at him.

"Madelynn." Bucky snickered. Shit. I covered my face in embarrassment. "Yes Bucket?" I smiled at him moving my hand from my face and crossing my arm.

He stood upright and laughed at my reaction. My heart skipped a beat, which I brushed off to face my computer and began to type out some more information.

I felt the hair that rested on my shoulder move and later a kiss on my neck. "Night Doll." He said before exiting the room. I blushed at the gesture and took a while to come to terms with it.

I spent a while in the room before glancing at the clock in the corner.It was 5 am.

My alarm would be going off by now. Not seeing the point of staying in the room any longer, I headed to the gym and began doing some cardio.

After cardio I made my way to the treadmill and began to run at its top speed. As I ran, past memories came running through my head. Along with that came the realization that I may not ever be free from HYDRA.

At this moment I would've given anything for the memories, nightmares and words to end. My pace soon picked up as I tried to ditch out the thoughts.

The only thing I could hear during that moment, was my increasing heartbeat and heavy breathing.

Pietro's POV

I was heading to the gym to begin my workout when I heard heavy panting. I was thinking thoughts that shouldn't have come and hesitantly opened the door.

I was instantly relieved when I saw it was just Maddie. She was on the treadmill running at an incredibly high speed, not as fast as me of course, but still fast.

"Hey Maddie." I called out to her. There wasn't an answer. "Maddie?" I headed closer to her. Her face was straight and emotionless. Her y/e/c eyes looked lively but her face was the opposite.

I placed my hand onto her shoulder and immediately regretted it. Madelynn grabbed my arm and flung me backwards onto the floor. She soon snapped out of it once she heard my groan.

"Pietro, didn't I tell you to not scare me?" She asked extending her hand to which I grabbed and pulled myself up. That was her weird way of saying sorry.

"I was calling for you but something clearly is distracting you." I asserted. She sighed before picking up her bottle and taking a sip. "Are you alright Maddie?" I questioned, standing besides her.

"Mhm." She mumbled. Taking her words, I headed to the machine as she left the room saying something about taking a bath before the team wakes up.

Madelynn's POV

I was in my bathroom, filling up the bathtub with warm water and rose petals. My body was tense and sore from no sleep and my workout. I got undress and sat in the warm bath.

The warm water was calming and the aroma helped relieve my headache. I slipped my head under the water, with my feet pressed against the tub's other end. My body was now fully submerged.

I was fully at ease and fell asleep for about an hour. There was a knock at my door that startled me. I rose my head from under the water and sleepily called out for who it was.

It was Wanda. I asked her to wait a minute as I wrapped myself in a robe before heading to the door. I opened it to see that she had a worried look.

"What's wrong Wand?" I questioned as she entered my room. She looked sad ever since she came back from the mission. "I- I didn't mean to." "Didn't mean to do what, Wand?"

"I should've held onto the sphere longer." "Hey Wanda." I held onto her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "What happened?" "I killed someone. B-but I d-didn't mean to."

She began to sob on my bed. I hugged her to hopefully console her. She weeped on my shoulder. "Wanda you don't have to cry. Knowing you, I knew that you would never harm anyone for anything intentionally."

"Trust me I know how it feels to kill someone without any choice. The guilt lives with me but I'm overcoming it." I sat besides her and continued. "Whenever you want to talk about it, you know where to find me, ok?"

She nodded before hugging me again. She headed out of my room and I emptied my bath tub before changing into some comfy clothes.

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