Didn't see that coming.

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Madelynn's POV

I tried to slowly regain my normal breath as I ignored my flaming hands. The images in my dream also showed me a book.

It looked similar to a book someone I knew would have have.

Thats when it hit me. "Wanda." I shouted. Without hesitation I flung off my sheet and dashed to her room. She always used it for incantations and studying.

But why would I need it. My field is tech when has magic come into the mix. I finally reached at her door and skid to a stop before pounding on her door.

"Wanda, you awake?" I shouted. The door was encased in a dust of red before it flung open. "Now that you woke me up, yes I am." She yawned rubbing her eyes.

"Wand I need your spell book." "Are you drunk or something Lynn?" "I want to know the same but I need the book Wand." I pleaded.

"Can't this wait until tomorrow. Its.." She muttered turning to face her clock. "Two in the morning." "Nope can't wait." "Fine. Don't destroy it and please get some sleep hun. You just got home."

She floated the book to within my grasp. "Its fine. I'm a Stark remember? Thanks Wand." I immediately dashed back to my room and scanned through the book.

Pages upon pages I scanned through without any luck. I wasn't sure what I was looking for. I just scanned through and would stop until it felt like that was what I was looking for.

My haste to find the page grew as I felt a sort of link build the more I turned.

Then I felt it. Finally felt it. The page had an image of the form I saw in my dream. It had little to no information about the being and only had a spell on how I can bring it here.

It would require the power stone to create the being. The stone inside me, felt drawn to the image. But there was a catch. There were two lines at the bottom.

All of it was in an unknown language with symbols. It wasn't something I know, but maybe something Jarvis might.

I sprung up from my bed and headed to my lab to do a full examination on the words. The book had other languages like Latin, Greek, Romanian, etc, in it.

I pressed my hand onto the small screen and awaited my recognition. "Madelynn Stark." The robotic voice stated. "Welcome back Ms. Stark." Jarvis and Friday chorused.

(I forgot about Jarvis sorry dude u still loved. Now back to the story.)

"Thanks guys." I smiled as I picked up a pair of glasses similar to dad's. "Friday give me Arsic please." "Yes Ms. Stark." Arsic is A Random Searcher I Created.

And as the name suggests  it finds anything I am looking for.

I'm great at everything I do especially at naming programs. Once Arsic was activated I scanned the words before sending the info to it. "And now we play the waiting game."

The suspense was killing me so it made sleeping difficult for me. To kill time I formed many shapes with water and tried to place my newfound powers into it, but failed miserably.

Thus, I took out a small notebook and jutted down my errors and new ideas to better them. To be honest ,at the end I wasn't able to get a solution yet.

Guess that will be done later on today. The moment that I was about to rest my head, I heard a ding. "Update?" I questioned. "Negative. The language you have entered isn't among any that currently exists."

At that I immediately got up and advanced to the program to inspect it more. The language seemed far beyond our years. I'll have to ask Wand tomorrow.

Being pretty much exhausted I decided to return to my room and atleast try to sleep.

Bucky's POV

I had another nightmare again. The first time that the winter soldier was activated. It was still my worse nightnare yet. I was forced to assassinate a small family in New Zealand.

Two children, a mother and father. It was a Saturday night when I was dispatched. Back then, I had a partner named Anastasia. She wasn't brainwashed, she chose to be there.

We were sent to finish off business. I was tasked with killing them while Anastasia was sent to retrieve the data they stole.

I skulked through the house and shot each member in the head as they slept. The mother was cradling her children and the father was in his study, black out drunk.

After we completed our missions the house was sent ablaze nothing nor no one saw us. The children looked so peaceful and I hate myself for this everyday.

There was a hushed slam. I fixated my vision to see Maddie closing the fridge with a bottle in her hand. It was awkward.

I didn't speak to her since she came because I didn't want to force her into settling back so fast especially after our fight and time before.

But better to do this now than to wait forever. "Sup Bucket." She grinned at me. At least she was back to the names.

"Hey doll. So how are you settling back down?" "Hmmm. I don't know yet just a lot of things have happened." "Tell me about it." She snickered before heading to the hall that lead to our rooms.

"You coming or what?" She smiled, knowing very well of her actions. "Depends on what I get." "I hate spoiling surprises so wanna see?" I laughed at how long we went back and forth.

Guess she's now showing her 'inner Stark'. I got up, held her hand and we headed to her room. As we stood outside of her door, she pulled me closer and kissed me.

She wasn't normally one to make the first move but let's see how far this can get. I pinned her to the wall and vigorously kissed her lips.

I ran my hand up her leg to her ass and brought her closer to me so that we fill the other's gaps. I made my way down to her chest, leaving dark hickeys on her jaw, neck and collarbone.

Knowing how she felt about me going lower, I made my way back to her lips. Little moans escaped our lips inbetween kisses, turning the other on even more.

Before things got heated outside, we headed to her room and continued for a while before falling asleep as we cuddled in her bed.

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