Chapter 01

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Camille's P.O.V


"Tell me that you already went to check out the school, Cam. Its been a week are you not yet done settling."

I was currently on the phone with my best friend, Olivia, as I paced the apartment and placed the groceries on the kitchen counter.

"Liv, would you please stop pestering me. I had to find a job before I head to school on Monday. And no I have not checked out the school yet. I am ..."

"You do know it is your fault that you are working since you refused our help." I was cut short by Olivia as she ranted in my ear. I swear to God one day this girl will make me deaf.

"Don't even get me started on how far you are from home. Its almost a six hour drive." Liv continued speaking.

"How can you go that far. I knew you hated me, now I have to suffer with missing you."

I couldn't help but chuckle about her childish behaviour. "Well at least you have Tony, am sure he will fill in for all the things we did together." I reminded her.

Tony was her boyfriend. Her first and only love since high school. I admired them. Whenever they were together the air would reek of love. Trust me, sometimes I felt like throwing up. Each time they kissed, cuddled and smiled at each other I always faked throwing up and they always laugh at it.

To me love seemed to be a waste of time and energy and truthfully it was. The dedication also seemed like pure torture. It always filled me with disgust.

Like how do you even wake up to the same face for days leave alone years??. Uuff, so depressing.

I was brought back to senses when Olivia ranted, again "Heeellllooo, are you even listening to me? I sound like a mad person talking and your just silent."

"Sorry, but of course i am listening. " I lied

"As I was saying at least while your there get a boyfriend, Cam its been almost three to four years. I swear if its not for your work out your body would be rotting for missing a male figure. Well except for Tony and Dad, sure Fuck Chris but now just lower your bitterness and find a FUCKING BOYFRRIEND OR I WILL BASICALLY DRIVE THERE AND FIND YOU ONE."

"WOW.. Madam cool down, you are going to destroy my eardrums." I spoke sincerely.

"That I will if you don't find a boyfriend in the next six months. " I heard a door open in her background as she spoke.

"Bye Cam I have to go I will call you later, Tony is here and we have to catch up on a certain series. Love you and also dad said hi and that you have to call him. Gotta ran."

Six months?!?! She thinks its that easy. So depressing.

"It's ok, I'll call him later. Bye, love you too." I finished off as the line went silent.

I know what you're asking, whose dad??

Its easy, he is not my actual father, he is Olivia's dad but he also raised me.


It had been months after I ran away from home. It was clear I was on my own now from how I looked, I had grown weak from malnutrition but I still pushed through. The cold season was approaching and it was clear my situation would get more brutal.

It was drizzling and foggy, when I heard Fifi heavily panting. I immediately knew something was wrong. Waking from my spread out carton I took her out of her box to find her very frail. She was very weak too. I tucked her in the inside of my coat and began to search for any near Veterinary hospital.

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