Bonus Chapter

42 4 0

Unknown P.O.V

"Make sure you bring her to me once you get a hold of her, am I fucking clear."

I nod staring into my boss's lifeless eyes.

"Use your fucking words, идиот"

"I clearly understand you, boss." I answer him trying not to choke on my own blood.

"You better cause there are no second chances, I'll tie you down next to your mother and torture her while you watch and hear her scream." He seethes next to my face lightly smiling, " Trust me when I say I will enjoy every moment of it."

I try my best to hide the fear I am feeling but he seems to see right through me.

"Please, am begging, let's keep her out of this." I say pleading with my eyes.

He stares down at me in disgust before laughing out loud wickedly. His hand moves to the knife in my leg and he drives it in deeper making the pain my body is already feeling to multiply.

"You beg.?" he spits out in disgust, " Fucking weak excuse of a man, if I had the slightest bit of emotion I would maybe reconsider, but you know what, I don't. Life is not always fair son, so your actions will be her time line to her death bed."

He finishes his statement and turns away walking towards the door signaling his men towards me with a nod of his head. The two approach me cracking their knuckles smiling up ready to finish me off from where they seem to have left off .

I close my eyes as the pain and impact of their fists and torture drain my body. By the time my vision starts to blur, my body is all bloody with blood oozing from my nose and mouth.

I feel a tight grip in my hair that yanks my head back exposing my face that is met with a hard blow that immediately knocks me out.


The sound of water running and the cold feeling through my entire body wakes me up from my uncomfortable sleep. I slowly open my eyes that are trying to adjust to the new surrounding as I lean back into the cold wet surface I am currently in.

Wait... Did I just .. Wet??

I move my eyes down my body only to find myself submerged in a bathtub that is overflowing from being filled with water. I slowly scan my surroundings only to register it as my apartment.

Shit, they know where I live.

But of course, how wouldn't they.

I lift my body slowly my brain telling me that if I slide from the water filling my bathroom that I will probably die.

Once I make it to the mirror my stomach churns and tightens in fear and a small part of defeat. My mirror has large scraping markings that have my mother's picture put up next to it.  Her eyes scraped off there is a light cut on her neck and her face is lightly scrapped making it easy for me to notice her.


I get what the message is, but I still lack the power to push through with what is expected. Disappointment fills my mind and heart from just the thought of betrayal that I am already tasting.

I have no choice.

I have to do it.

They will kill her, mummy, I love her too much to suffer from that.

But if they have her they won't hurt my sweet mummy.

I know they won't hurt her.

Or will they?

No they wouldn't.

But they are monsters.

I also love her, she has been nice to me always.

I can't do it, I'm not strong.

Neither do I have any option, I must do it.

I glance up at my reflection through the scrapping as tears run fown my swelled up face that's filled with bruises.

"Forgive me, мой ангел"
(My angel)

The words slip off my tongue in defeat as I lower my head more tears sliding down my face. My hands ball into fists as I make few heavy hits on the mirror till it breaks cutting my knuckles.

The pain is numb compared to the one riling my chest in acknowledgement that I am about to do the worst thing to the one girl I have come to love as family. Maybe my boss was right, I truly am weak.

I make my way out of the bathroom and into my living area only to find it a trashed. They sure did do one hell of a job. Most of my furniture is broken and completely destroyed. My picture frames are broken and my mother's pictures have no difference with the one in the bathroom.

What catches my attention most is her picture that has been pinned with a knife next to a picture of my mum that looked recently taken of her sitting at her porch drinking some coffe. An arrow is scrapped between the two pictures together with 'death bed' which is in bold and can be clearly seen from even the distance am standing in.

My shoulders slump as I make my way to the two pictures grazing my fingers through both of them. More tears spill down my face as I lay my head on the wall filling more than helpless.

After what felt like hours of me standing by the wall crying my heart out, I slowly move my numb body from there and walk to the kitchen. I catch a glimp of my phone on the floor from where I think I drop it the day my boss decided to kidnap me.

I pick it up and continue walking into the kitchen in search of some food to boost my energy. I open the fridge and pull out the little leftovers in there placing then in the microwave to heat up.

As they warm I turn my attention to my phone that now has a crack on the sreen but is still working, or so I presume. I walk into my room and pluck it to its charger, it lights up lightening my mood that it is still functioning.

Leaving it by my night stand I walk back to my living ready to try and clean up the mess all over but after I have my meal first.

***( Hours later) ***

I step out of the shower feeling better than I did before as I walk to the sink cabinet and pull out the first aid kit. I try my best to nurse the many wounds on my body including the one I just sewed on my leg. After am done I walk to the living room feeling at least pleased with how neat and appealing it looks compared to before.

Making it to my room I pluck out my already fully charged phone and lay down on the bed fully dressed as I power it on. Messages and notifications flood in from different people, work and social media.

Thousands of voicemail and missed call notifications flood in. Most of them are from her, my mum and work. Seems that they were all busy worried and sick calling me till they gave up.

I had gone missing for months, what more did I trully expect.

Since it is already late night, I just send a quick 'I am okay' message to my mum promising to call her tomorrow to reduce the amount of stress she is already in. I am tempted to text my angel but knowing that my presence to her isn't of any good I place my phone back on the stand and pull the covers over me getting accosted in tge warmth of my bed.

It won't be easy from now on going forward, so I may just embrace what I have now before it all turns to a haze.

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