Chapter 03

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Camille's P.O.V

"Why is it that you always leave me behind?" Sebastian asks me pouting.

"Maybe cause you are always slow and dragging me behind." I answer him jockingly yet with some sincerity in it.

Sebastian is my only friend around the huge walls of the school am having my scholarship at. He is also aiming towards being a veterinarian making it hard to avoid him since we share our classes. Literally all our classes are combined.

We met a few weeks after I joined this place, I tried pushing him out of my way countless times but he still came rushing back trying again its like he never gives up. After almost a thousand attempts I accepted his company which surprisingly turned out to be great. I enjoy our time together.

He is funny, kind and cute. He has these blue eyes that are so luring, his hair is brown and always neat with a radiant glow. God bless his body because he is fairly built with a towering height of 6'1 making me seem short and giving him advantage to rile me up about it. But what I like most about him is his friendly and caring side. He is like an elder brother I never had.

He is the male version of Deja who never got off my back since our first meet up. The three of us turned out to be great friends through the three months I have been here. Olivia knows them but only through face time and she enjoys every moment of it.

We usually hang around when we are free to stop the two of them from turning my apartment into a crisis with their turn ups once I refuse to show up and also to call Liv. Once I introduced them to her she was really happy that for once I had accepted to fall in line and blend in making two good friends.

During the week days its usually me and Seb since we share classes but we always check up on Deja who works at a restaurant that is always busy. If we fail to show up it's clear we will meet at the club for our 'night job' as we like to call it.

It turned out to be a routine for me and Seb to get out of class together while going home. Today like any other day I had to leave him behind since he was too slow with gathering his stuff and that's why he is now walking beside me looking miserable cause I left him. Again.

"I had to gather my stuff."

"Yeah, I know. That still doesn't excuse your slow ass. I don't have all day, I have to get home and get my beauty sleep before I head out for the club."

"I admit am sorry, but you have like what.. Six hours to sleep before you head out."

"Correction, they are five hours that will soon turn to four if you don't hurry up before I cancel accompanying you to Mc Donald."

We ordered our food and ate as Seb kept complaining about some stuff that our lecturer pin pointed. He assured me he would come over on Saturday for us to go through it but I was sure he just wanted us to hang out. When we were done we both bid each other going our separate ways.

Once in my apartment, I placed my books neatly by my couch and fed Fifi before heading in my room for a cold shower.

Heaving I allowed my mind to wander as the cold water hit my back relaxing my muscles. My thoughts were back to the emerald eyes that we on me two nights ago when I was dancing.

It was hard to register the person behind the eyes for he was tucked in the darkness behind the private booth. I have been trying to get all these thoughts out of my head but they just seem to stick around no matter how hard I try. The way the eyes seeked my attention, boring holes in my body till I followed their pull to the dark booth. The way they stayed glued on mine as I danced making me dance more intently.

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