Chapter 14

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Damon's P.O.V

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask Dr. Marino in a fairly authoritative tone hiding my concern.

"She will Capo, just give her time. I'm still surprised she made it this far, she broke one rib and badly fractured others still that stab wound on her thigh is very deep. Her body is weak, dehydrated and fatigued from whatever she went through. The medication I have her on together with the water flowing in her will help her recovery."

"How long will she be out."

"I'm not sure but I know she will wake up soon. She seems to be a fighter.-"

She is.

"I'll see myself out Capo, if anything changes call me. Have a nice day."

The doctor leaves after I nod at him leaving me alone with Camille. Standing next to her I look down at all the AV she is on and my earlier worry of what she got into hits hard.

I don't usually care about other people except those I consider family but something about this woman has never really connected. One minute she's happy the next minute she's turned into a fearless dare devil.

She's like a bottle of mixed reactions just waiting to go off.

I like it.

A light knock followed by the door opening gets my attention as River steps in.

"Hey man, how's she?" he asks not hiding his worry towards her.

Funny how he got attached to her faster than I thought. Its like he approved of her the moment he saw her and now its always about standing up for her whenever she comes up in any of our conversations.

I personally think it's a way of acting weak and I hate it. But knowing River has always been the kind hearted one so I understand him although he hides that side from everyone, well almost everyone.

"She's fine."

"Well Vel isn't, she fell asleep from all the crying asking to see her mum. The child is not dumb you know, she knows her mum is hurt. I hate to say this but you need to father up and go see her instead of standing next to a passed out Camille, am sure she would approve if she was awake."

Staring at River, I sigh feeling some type of frustration from this responsibility on my shoulder right now. I never even wanted to be a father, don't know how I got here but I know it's my fault.

Honestly, when I was away I was kind of trying to escape from this new part of my life. Guess it's inevitable after all, though not completely. I know I can just go back to my main base in Italy and never return...

"Don't even think about it Damon, go see her. I got your back, I'll watch Camille."

I walk out Camille's room and head down the hallway to Vel's room. Opening her door I find her already awake in Axel's arms with swollen eyes looking ready to cry again.

Axel feeling my presence, he faces me and smiles sadly.

"The kid needs you, she barely fell asleep with all the emotions she is on."

"It's okay, take a break I got this."

He stands handing me Vel then walks out after patting my shoulder. I stare down at Vel as she cuddles in my chest and starts crying.

"I want mommy." She whispers between her cries.

I take a seat on her bed and place her on my lap for her to face me. Her teary face and swollen eyes are already making me know how much of a bad father I am.

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