Chapter 22

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Camille's P.O.V

I don't waste any time as I maneuver different streets over speeding so as to get to the location that Seb had shared on time to save my baby.

Google maps confirmed that the place is fifty minutes away but with the speed I am at I believe I will surely make it within half an hour.


As much as I am trying to be optimistic, it's hard to not think that this may be a set up. Whoever took Vel knew she was my main ticket to be lured anywhere.

It is a risk going to the location alone, I know, but I decided to take the risk either way because this is my baby's life we are talking about and I will do anything and everything to have her back in my arms.

I slow my pace as I ride into a barely alive area. The place seems way abandoned and lifeless to even have people in it.

Are they really here or is this a set up??

I park my ride somewhere less noticeable as I take my phone and decide to walk to Seb's live location. I slowly walk into a scrap metal zone that is full of damaged cars that are way dusty before spotting an a house or garage, whatever the hell it is.

With one of my guns at hand I roll a silencer on it as I slowly move towards the structure using the cars to hide my figure.

I am about to run towards the 'house' when footsteps and two men speaking stop me. I silently watch them as they walk to a beat up car pull out some cigarettes and start talking.

Curious and eager to eavesdrop I slowly walk towards them but keeping a safe distance. Once I am close enough I listen in with my gun's safety pin on incase of anything.


Are they... they... they are


I listen in again and everything suddenly closes in as I confirm it, again.


No.. No... No..

It can't be, has he trully found me??.

No, please, this can't be happening.

Its too soon...

I try to steady my breathing but it's all too hard when my heart is beating erraticly and my mind is full of shock.




"I will always find you."




I try counting to ten but all my mind can do is recall all the shit I ran from yet I seem to be back here again.


Get your shit together...


We need to find Vel...

I try my best to cool down as my inner voice tries to save me from myself.

"Vel." I lightly whisper to myself as I calm myself and return back to listening to the two men talk in my original language.

They laugh at something I miss before they start speaking again.

"Я знаю, этот чувак, должно быть, очень отчаялся, чтобы не увидеть свою старую ведьму мертвой."

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