Getting piercings

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Hello! Sorry for disappearing for so long, school has been difficult to deal with and so was finding ideas for these stories! I'll try my best to upload as much as I can since I get how annoying it is to have a creator not update after a long while. (I've gone through my own fair share of that 😀) AND THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR 1K READSSS!!! AAA!

Enjoy and please type down the comments on what you'd like for me to write next! ☆


"This is a bad idea Tim." You'd say sternly as you tightened your grip on Tim's hand. Your boyfriend would smile relaxedly, clearly not worried the slightest about this. After all, this clearly wasn't the first time Tim was getting something pierced. You both sat on the piercing studio's leather couch, with you sometimes eyeing the cashier covered in tattoos and him leaning back casually.

"Babe just relax. You've pierced your ears before! It shouldn't be too different."

"I was a baby when my mom decided to pierce my ears! I couldn't remember then."

"Touché. But you're not scared of vaccines, so why be scared of piercing your helix?"

You sat in silence, thinking about what to say next when a lanky man covered in all kinds of jewelry chirped from behind the curtain.

"Could we have the next ones please?" He said with his voice not matching his appearance in the slightest.

Tim gave you a sympathetic grin, dragging you up to the area you've been dreading: the piercing chair.

"So! What're are we doing for the young lady today?" The pierced man would ask as he got the machine ready, the needle looking way sharper than you expected it to be. Oh boy, vaccines were nothing compared to this.

"A helix on my right ear...please." You managed to squeak out, still incredibly intimidated by the machine that seemed to get closer to you each time you spoke a word. The man would whip you around without any hesitation, already sanitizing the destinated piercing spot. You filled with the loose thread that was on your sleeve, pursing your lips each time the cotton dabbed against your ear.

"Alright! Your ear is sanitized and ready to pierce. This is going to pinch a little." The man gave you a casual smile, making you flinch once you felt the needle get closer to you. You would close your eyes shut, holding your hands in fists. You were about the feel the sharp pinch up until Tim held your hand tightly, making small circles with his thumb. He'd look at you deep in the eyes and kiss you on the other side where the piercer wasn't occupied. Speaking of the piercer, he was finished!

"That's a wrap! Looks tight little dudette." The man would grin, walking towards the even bigger chair.

"See? Wasn't all that bad was it?" Tim would smirk at you, placing his hands on your sides. He'd look at your new earring excitedly.

"Looks pretty."

You'd kiss him passionately on the lips, feeling his smirk against yours.

"Thank you for comforting me." You'd say before giving him a small peck on the lips.

"It's my duty." He'd lean in for another kiss, only to be interrupted by the forgotten worker that was still in the room.

"Ahem! Next please?" The man would smile, waiting beside where Tim needed to be seated.

"You got it dog!" Tim would take his shirt off and hand it to you, smiling gleefully like a little child.

"You really think piercing your collarbone is a good idea?" You'd ask in concern.

"Always have, always will. Come on Y/n, I know for a fact that you find it hot."

You stood there and said nothing, looking at your pierced helix in the reflection on the window and then back at him.

"It is pretty hot." You murmured into his shirt. 

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