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Hello! Listening to American Idiot right now and it's really getting me into the feels.

Request from!: onlyposersfuckingdie (I personally found this request super adorable and I just HAD to write it

Enjoy and please type down in the comments what you'd like me to write next! ☆


It was super hot today. You could tell the summer holidays were coming soon since the tables were sticky and the classrooms were so humid your folders slid off your desks. You were about to walk out of your apartment to head to your sweat-infested school when your next-door neighbor Tim, who was totally not your boyfriend *wink wink*, called you over further along the corridor.

You both looked around, checking if the coast was clear to kiss each other. Why were you secretly dating? The reason was unclear. You wanted to figure things out slowly since you've never been in a relationship before, and he understood that. Though, it made you really guilty because you didn't want to seem as if you were embarrassed by him or anything. If anything, you were embarrassed by yourself for being scared to let others know about your relationship with Tim. Tim being the sweetheart he is, completely understood how it feels to think that the entire world is after you. He's heard about your family situation before, no wonder you feel paranoid about others' reactions. Plus, he knew you weren't embarrassed by him as you kept telling him how sorry you are for kissing him in secret. To which he simply replied: "Babe, it's completely fine." You both held each other's hands. Luckily, you guys were close enough for everyone to think your hand-holding business was platonic when it wasn't.

"Darryl and I are leaving early to meet Janice and her friend Tonya at 7/11 to get some slushies. Since it's on our way to school, you wanna tag along?"

"Sure! Why not? Better that than telling guys that they can't bring an inflatable pool in class." You rubbed your head remembering your past experiences. Last year, it was so hot that kids brought their inflatable pools to make some money. Darryl was one of them, but you didn't know that.

You fixed the strap of your tank top that was falling a little to the side, Tim watched you in awe. Your hair was tied up too, so he could see your collarbone and neck fully for once. Fun fact: That was his favorite spot to kiss you. Today was going to be a challenge for your poor Tim.

"First time I see you wear a tank top. You're gonna get in trouble." He'd mock you, knowing your strict rule-following nature.

"Yeah well it's blazing today, I don't mind breaking the rules once in a while." You resonated. To be fair, Tim didn't listen to a single word you said. He focused his eyes on your shoulders instead, with a burning passion to kiss them. He groaned in pain as he laid his head on the gap of your neck, almost whining like a little kid.

"You're killing me right now Y/n."

"I know, I'm sorry. Come on! Slushies await."

You arrived a little while later catching sight of Darryl and the other two girls. Darryl seemed to back away from Janice's friend, Tonya. Making faces at her whenever she had her back turned. Almost as if she smelt bad or some sort? It didn't matter, she seemed nice and you were aware that Darryl could act a little weird sometimes. Janice was nice enough to have gotten a slushie cup for you.

"Oh, you didn't have to! Here, let me pay you back."

"No, it's okay! It's a thank you for helping me with history homework last week." You both smiled at each other. It's too bad that you didn't hang out as much, she seemed like an awesome friend.

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