Skating Practice

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Hear ye, Hear ye! I'm back for another one. Again, this is a short one and I'm really sorry about that. I've been running out of ideas so please type down in the comments what you'd like for me to write next ☆ 


You were sitting on the benches of the skating rink, reading a good book while watching Tim train for his next hockey game. Everything was going some sort. Tim was getting more aggressive, which is good in order to win, right? Except that he was getting violent toward his teammates. He's the type of guy to never get mad or in get in any fights, so this definitely wasn't normal. For some reason, he seemed to be in a sour mood, and really jumpy.

You lifted your head up from the chapter you were reading, only to notice him kicking one of his mates. The coach seemed to be busy, so you thought it was up to you to deal with this. "Tim!" You called out, which led him to perk his head up and skate towards you. "What is it Y/n?" He'd ask as he cracked his neck, still making small jumps on the spot as if he had drank too much coffee.

"What's wrong with you? You seem all fidgety." You motioned towards him. He'd look away, scratching the back of his neck. "It's just-" He started, slightly embarrassed. "It's been a while since we've know- sex." He'd sigh a shaky breath, almost as if saying the word had set something off. You look at him, slightly amused by his struggle. It wasn't something to laugh at, but seeing him so desperate for you made your heart melt a little.

You would lift up his helmet, giving him a little kiss on the lips. Your lips were cold but were all warmed up once you melted into his. He'd blink, slightly startled, until he smiled and leaned into your lips again. "Just keep holding on Timmy, I'll be rooting for you." You both lay your foreheads against each other until you turned to go sit back. However, something was holding you back. Timmy's hands were kept tightly around your sides as gave you a playful smile. 

"Tim, you gotta go practice. I'm never gonna hear the end of it from your coach if I let his star athlete stay off of the ice for more than 2 minutes." 

 "But I thought you said to keep holding on?" He smirked, kissing your cheek before skating back on the rink.

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