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Welcome to another chapter! As I promised, this is going to be more of a lighthearted chapter. Here it is!:

Request from!: onlyposersfuckingdie

Enjoy and please type down in the comments what you'd like me to write next! ☆


Now Tim was known for his very, very, laid-back attitude. He was sweet, and every person he talked to called him "dawg" or "dude" (In your books, that meant Tim was super cool! In which Tim just replied to your comment with: "Eh, I dunno.") To recap, Tim was nothing but a chill guy that got along with everyone. Well...Almost everyone, except for Scott Thorpe.

Tim acknowledged the way Scott looked at you here and there. Whether it was in class or in the hallways, Tim always managed to catch Scott gazing over at you. "But Tim, you can't prevent the guy from looking at Y/n. It's not like he's making a move anyways." He'd tell himself. Oh, how ironic it was when Scott was asking Y/n out for dinner right in front of his face.

"I don't know Scott, I don't see why you need my help to deal with fliers that are practically already finished. And why at Long John Silver's of all places?" You rambled on, questioning every excuse and beg Scott gave you. You felt terrible for not building up the courage to blatantly say no. What made it worse was that Tim was right there, standing behind you and watching Scott practically ask you out for dinner with no hesitation whatsoever. However, you knew that Tim was aware that no one would be able to replace him in your books and so there was no reason for him to be mad about Scott. That's why it surprised you when you caught Tim giving Scott the biggest death glare ever. That's when you noticed: Tim was jealous!

He wrapped his arms around your stomach whilst you struggled to turn down the shorter blonde's offer, resting his chin on your shoulder as he continued his threatening glare with his piercing blue eyes. Occasionally, he'd kiss you on your cheek or temple once a topic would drag on for too long or when Scott would reach out to hold your arm or hand to seem "more convincing." It surprised you, but by no means did you tell Tim to stop. Since his mouth was practically to your ear, you could hear the very quiet complaints Tim would slip out. Your heart beamed at the fact that your mellow hockey player could be so annoyed at a certain person. He'd practically do anything, like a lost puppy! He'd put his chin on your head, play with your hair, hum on your skin, and give you kisses. Lots and lots of kisses.

You knew Tim had enough when he threw you over your shoulder (Stu Macher moment anyone?) and walked away from the fancy boy with a cheeky grin.

"She'll deal with the fliers back at mine, Thorpe! Don't worry man, I'll help her for you!" He said whilst spinning you around.

Once Scott was out of view, he'd put your down to your feet. He expected a remark or a little complaint but boy was he not expecting a big smooch from you. His eyes widened for a moment until he went with the flow and deepened the kiss, keeping one hand on your waist and the other rubbing your back.

"You're were jealous~." You'd croon after parting from his lips.

"Okay, maybe I was a little. I dunno, I didn't dig the way he kept rubbing your arm and looking at you. I'm really sorry Y/n, I shouldn't have picked you up or anything."

"Timmy, it's completely fine. I know that he's a real jerk. I've noticed how differently he treats you and Darryl." You'd scrunch your face. You knew that Scott picked on Darryl and Tim when you weren't around, and you were surprised that he had the audacity to still act you out! He knew very well that you were Tim's girlfriend, why didn't he seem to get the hint?!

You continue to ramble on about how annoying and obnoxious Scott was until you realized that Tim wasn't talking anymore, he was looking at you very attentively. The crooks of his mouth turned into a small grin.

"I love you." He said, catching you off-guard.

"I love you too, Timmy."

"Wanna get a burger?"

"I don't mind."

"Awesome." He said before holding your hand and walking off until you paused. He turned his neck around to look at you.

"Could you- Could you pick me up again? Like you did earlier?"

He smiled at your request, placing both hands on your waist and lifting you up to his shoulders.

"Off we go!" 

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