Summer at the daycare

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As Alyssa Edwards would say:


A fic.


So sit back, relax, and..

Enjoy and please type down in the comments what you'd like me to write next! ☆



July, the month everyone was looking forward to after long and cold months of homework, lectures, tests and exams.

Pools were filled to the brim, the ice cream truck was guaranteed to make millions by mid-September, everyone was out having fun and drowning in the vitamin D the sun that was storing for them this summer. 

What were you doing?

You were working at a pre-school.

As a summer daycare worker.

Hey, hey, sure it might not sound as fun as going to pool raves or road trips to the beach, but you actually enjoyed working as an assistant in that little pre-school. Plus the place was air-conditioned and you got paid. What more can you ask for?

You were worried that your job would disturb plans Tim may have possibly planned for you during your summer, but he assured you that he usually spent the majority of his summer training at the rink or sleeping the day off so there was nothing to worry about. In fact, he would be leaving for a week with his hockey team for an outing, but he promised that if you wanted to do something over the days you were free, then he'd be up and ready to go just for you.

So here you were, watching the kids paint in their colorful smocks, sun in the corner of the page and all, after an hour of running and rolling around in the grass.

"Good job, George!" You cooed as you tightened your makeshift ponytail, crouching down besides the kids table. "What's this beautiful drawing?" You smiled softly as you hovered your index fingers over the splotch of green with legs and arms.

"Thas' you!" He smiled, making you pause for a second with that smile plastered on your face. You weren't green last time you checked, but hey, Picasso wasn't built like his art either.

You giggled at his lit-up expression, happy to see that he was finally enjoying himself after crying for his mom the first few days. "I've never looked better." You assured, because you never rocked green skin until in his painting.

You strolled around the bright classroom, stopping a few times to help some of them wash their hands or to put away toys that were laying around. You were busy tying Lucy's hair into a bun so it wouldn't get paint on it a second time when Adam tugged on your shirt.

You turned your head to look at the boy in the yellow smock, a warm smile forming on your face. (one you couldn't prevent since you practically went to cuteness overload whenever you stepped foot into the classroom) "What is it, Adam?"

" 'sa man atta' door." He replied, Lucy turning her head the direction Adam was looking at to see the said man too. You copied the two, until you recognized the man that caused all those little heads to turn.

Tim, in a usual black band tank (even if the sun is blazing outside), was crouched in front of Josephine with a grin similar to yours. He spoke to the little girl with a cheesy smile, probably saying something silly to the little girl. You pat Lucy's hair after tucking a few strands of her hair that was falling from your bun, walking towards the pierced boy with a curious Adam by your side.

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