Meeting at a gig

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Hello! This is a request from onlyposersfuckingdie. TYSM for commenting and here it is!:

Enjoy and please type down the comments on what you'd like for me to write next! ☆


"Dude, I still can't hear anything!" Darryl would exclaim to his punk friend that was clearly enjoying himself. To recap, Tim and Darryl have been trying their best to get Darryl's senses back to normal. Apparently, going to a gig at a bar was the best idea for Darryl to hear again.

"Tim this is stupid! I'm gonna go even deafer man!"

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing! And don't yell at me!"

The taller dragged his companion along to the front of the crowd, hoping it'll be loud enough over there. The closer they got, the more Tim felt enchanted by this angelic echo. Until when he got to the very front of the stage did he look up and felt starstruck by the owner of that angelic voice. It was you.

You were up there, barefooted on stage since you had kicked your sandals off earlier in the gig. Your long colorful skirt that fell to your ankles swayed perfectly around your sides as you turned and danced along the stage. You seemed happy, you seemed confident. The crowd clapped along when you skipped around the stage, sometimes holding a few hands from the audience and singing with them. Your beautiful long hair flowed around each time you shook your head, almost as if the wind had a part in your gig. Tim was in love, he kept his mouth wide open in disbelief at how beautiful a girl could be. Darryl, who was deaf but not blind, took notice of his roommate staring at the singer.

"Jesus creepo, why not steal a strand of her hair while you're at it?"

Tim only hummed a response, still keeping googly eyes on you. He'd then notice the change in the song, immediately feeling more familiar with the lyrics. Bohemian Rhapsody was his jam.

You would raise your hands up, swaying your hips and moving your arms slowly as you were waiting for the fast part of the song. The moment came, you were pointing the microphone at the audience to let them sing the screaming part of the song with you when you heard one fan louder than everyone else. No one seemed to notice but you. You'd let the others continue singing their hearts out when you looked around for the fan that caught your attention. And there he was. A handsome young man around your age with short blonde locks and a ton of piercings. He seemed slightly taller than the rest so it was easy to spot him. You definitely felt as if he was different, yet you weren't expecting his beautiful bright blue eyes to lock with yours. You felt as if you both exchanged longing stares at each other for minutes, only to realize you had a show going on. You shied away from his gaze, slightly red. Thankfully the lights projected on stage faded out your blush.

"Damn! You got the singer to look at you. I gotta give it to you man, great work." Darryl gave the awestruck Tim a high-five.

"Come on, let's go get something to drink. Maybe she'll come by later?"


The two walked towards the bar, with Tim still turning his face from time to time to look at you.

They had waited thirty minutes, having finished 3 cans of soda. Darryl was practically half asleep with some unchewed pretzels in his mouth. (He had lost the ability to chew a few minutes ago). Tim on the other hand was fiddling with the key piercing that was laying on his stomach, hoping you'd come out soon so he could ask for your digits or your name at least! Two other bands had passed by already, and he started to lose hope. He tapped Darryl on the shoulder to wake him up.

"She's not showing, let's go man."

Darryl blinked, now able to hear the sadness in his tone.

"Alright. I'm sorry man, you'll find someone else soon." He'd pat Tim on the back. Tim only nodded, not fully accepting his words but still nodding. The two companions had just left the bar when they heard a small yell from afar. They didn't turn back until they heard quick footsteps trailing behind them. Tim whipped his hair around, only to notice a very breathless Y/n running towards them.

"Wait! Hold on!"

The blonde would pat his newly blind friend on the shoulder, a grin forming on his lips. The girl would pant when she reached the blonde, catching her breath before she could say anything.

"You were at my gig!" She pointed with a smile, quickly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah! It was awesome by the way." Tim would throw a hand behind his neck, nervously pulling at his hair. You would let out a small chuckle, now feeling shy again. Tim would remember why he had waited so long to see you, trying to get the courage back he had when he was in the bar. He was about to open his mouth when he'd notice you take something out of your big puffer jacket, a small note. You'd hand it to him.

"It's my number. I know this is pretty sudden and you probably just know me as the weird girl that sings without her shoes and it's honestly cool if you don't want to accept it but you seem cute and-" You'd ramble on and on and on, playing with the ends of your hair as you did. Tim however, was stunned that the girl he has been heart-eyeing had given him her number. Moreover, she called him cute.

"Hi, I'm Tim. Do you wanna go out with me?" He'd blurt out, not fully going through what just came out of his mouth. His mind went into panic mode "Damn it. Why did I just say that? She definitely thinks you're some creep or something Tim." Tim would mentally kick himself, ready to receive some sort of painful rejection or something. You would notice the fear on his face. He was cute.

"I'd love to, Tim." You'd let out a soft laugh, his face of relief really was adorable.

"Oh! Cool." Tim would nod, hoping to look cool in the presence of Y/n. Though it wasn't necessarily working, Y/n liked the effort.

"I'm Y/n by the way."

"I know, I saw it on your banner. I can't forget a name as beautiful as that." Tim would smile. You would smile at each other in uncomfortable silence, both returning to your longing stares.

"Hello! I know I'm blind but I can tell that you both are staring at each other. Can we get moving already?" Darryl would let out, Tim had completely forgotten about him. He let out a small annoyed sigh, receiving a chuckle from Y/n.

"7 pm around here?" Tim would ask you, ignoring Darryl's whining.

"That's fine by me!"

You both would exchange final smiles, both turning back to where you were normally headed. "Holy crap! I got her number!"

"I know I heard. Speaking of which, was this the whole plan of your plan? To get a certain girl's number?"

Tim wouldn't respond. Instead, he continued walking. Hopefully, Darryl will think he went deaf again.

"Wait a damn minute!-"

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