Nightmares. (Or are they?)

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Aaah it feels nice to come back and write. Almost as if I came back after taking a long, stress-relieving shower. Ahem, anyways! Here comes another oneshot piping hot and out of the oven!

Request from!: Lilly_Husband

Enjoy and please type down in the comments what you'd like me to write next! ☆


"Y/n. Babe, wake up.." Tim would shake your shoulders softly in order to wake you up. It was close to 4 in the morning and Tim was awakened by your stirring. Normally he would push you back to your side and go back to sleep...well, technically he was planning to. What stopped him from doing so was the faint sound of you crying. You were having a nightmare. Your eyes shoot open as you cling onto Tim, who was one step ahead of you and was already wrapping his long arms around you.

"Shhh, it's okay...It was just a nightmare."

"Oh Timmy, it was horrible!" You murmur, seemingly traumatized by what you were possibly having a nightmare about.

"It was really bad huh?" Tim would reply, kissing the crown of your head.

"Wanna tell me about it?"

You stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to calm yourself down after your "traumatic" nightmare. Until...

"I was..."


"I was having a nightmare about you leaving me."

"Y/n, you know I would never do that. I'll never leave you. Ever! Not even in your sleep."

You sigh dramatically. So dramatically that you could practically throw your hand on your forehead and faint.

"I know...But I can't seem to just wonder about the possibilities."

"What can I do to not make you think of those possibilities?"

You pondered for a moment.

"Oh, I don't know...Maybe you could watch Clueless with me? I think I'll manage to forget about those nightmares if you do." You play around with his hand innocently. That's when Tim clicked.

You've been begging him to watch Clueless with him since you first started dating. Tim never seemed to change his mind when it came to watching it, saying that it was "Boring" and "Cliché". Ever since, you took his no for an answer and asked him about it every chance you got. Just like you were doing right now. You were asking to watch Clueless right after waking him up for something that was serious. Oh brother, Tim looked begrudging.

"Okay, I hate you." He'd throw you back to your side of the bed.

"Pleaaase!" You poked his shoulder, causing him to wave your fingers away in annoyance almost as if a fly was bugging him.

"'M going back to sleep."

You giggled when you heard him mutter a small and tired "Fuck you." Oh, how you loved him.

Though, you were determined to make him watch that damn movie.

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