Chapter Eleven: Set me free

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I'm outta love
Set me free
And let me out this misery
Just show me the way to get my life again
'Cause you can't handle me
Said I'm outta love
Can't you see
Baby, that you gotta set me free?
I'm outta love

I'm Outta Love by Anastacia
*unedited* (word count:)


I know my mother is dead somewhere. I don't know Audriana's family personally, but I'm sure they would hide her body away from me. I don't need her body, I just need to see her dead.

"What are you doing here?" Erin asks as he comes out of his room.

"You know why I am here," I reply.

"She hasn't left her room all night. I don't think she is going to want to talk to anyone, especially you," he replies.

"Matteo! What are you doing here?!" Papaw yells from down the hall.

I turn around and look at him as he holds bags and bags of clothes. He looks depressed from what I can tell, but would he tell anyone that? Most likely not.

"I'm here for Audriana," I reply.

"Why are you here for me?" Audriana asks as she opens the door.

"Holy shit! She opened the door!" Erin semi-yells.

Audriana gives her dad a dirty look before pulling me into the room. She locks the door and walks around me. Her hair is messy and almost matted together. She's wearing the same clothes I left her in the other night.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I need to see the body. I can even dispose of her so that none of you have to," I reply. "I also came to check on you. I know you are putting this all on yourself."

"It is my fault," she replies. "How did she even find me?"

"That I don't know. I kept everything about you in a safe that no one knew the code to. I'm going to pay for the funerals or whatever is planned. I can't bring them back, but I can help anyway I can," I reply.

"So you're not mad at me?" She asks as her eyes water.

I pull her into my arms and hold her tightly. I could never be mad at her. It was Audriana's life or my mother's. My mother had lived long enough.

"I thought you were the one that got shot," I reply. "I thought I was going to be flying down here to attend your funeral."

"Papaw shot her from a fucking tree," she replies before laughing. "He said he felt like he was in the Vietnam war again except on the other side in the trees."

"I'm sorry for you losing your family," I murmur.

"They were murdered, Matteo. They didn't suffer," she replies.

"I need to talk to your father and your Papaw," I reply.

She pulls away from me and grabs my hand. She drags me over to the door beside the bed. She pulls it open and drags me into their room. Her father and Papaw sit on their beds staring at us.

"Don't say sorry," Papaw begins. "Erin explained everything to me. I wasn't about to lose anyone else. I don't regret shooting her."

"I didn't come to apologize. I came to pay for whatever it is that you need. I also need to see her body to confirm she is dead. She killed my father and was the reason I had to leave," I reply. "She stabbed him at least a hundred times and shot him."

"Damn, she Jodi Arias'd him," Audriana murmurs.

"My mother was a menace these last couple of weeks. She took my eye and hurt Audriana. I was going to hurt her the same way she Audriana, but I waited too late," I reply.

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