Chapter Fifteen: Piece by Piece

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But piece by piece, he collected me up
Off the ground, where you abandoned things, yeah
Piece by piece, he filled the holes that you burned in me
At six years old and you know
He never walks away
He never asks for money
He takes care of me
He loves me
Piece by piece, he restored my faith

Piece By Piece by Kelly Clarkson
*unedited* (word count:)


It's officially snowing in New York just in time for Christmas. It's beautiful. I wish I could just lay out in it without dying from hypothermia or frostbite. I could make snow angels for days. The snow and dark sky reminds me of The Nightmare Before Christmas. The way it falls is almost cartoonish. Almost as if it's not real.

"Are you ready to go?" Matteo asks from behind me. "The weather is just going to get worse."

"I'm as ready as I will ever be," I reply.

Matteo wheels me out of the room. We make our way downstairs where a black SUV waits for us. A guy opens the doors for us. Matteo helps me into the car and buckles me in. The nurse takes the wheelchair back in as Matteo gets into the front seat.

The car is warm and feels amazing. Maybe this one won't blow up before we get to our destination. I don't even know where I am going or where I am going to stay for the remainder of my wheelchair days. I have to do extensive physical therapy and take pain meds. I also have to wear his clunky brace until I am released from physical therapy.

"I hope you don't mind that we go to my place," Matteo murmurs. "I figure it would be easier for you there than it would be at the apartment."

"Your house has stairs too," I reply.

"But I can carry you up those," Matteo replies. "Plus, I can work from home for the most part."

"You just want me to stay with you," I reply. "Why is that?"

"So that I can protect you and help you," he replies. "I can get you everything you need. Wheelchair, walker, crutches."

"Don't smother me, Matteo," I reply. "I may have gotten hit by a car for you, but that doesn't mean I am helpless. I have to figure out how to go about life differently now."

"I want to be there with you when you do. You shouldn't have to go through it alone," Matteo replies.

"Have you heard from my dad?" I change the subject.

"No," Matteo replies. "We have left him several messages, but he hasn't even looked at them. He normally answers me but he hasn't been."

"Did you go by the house?" I ask.

"No, not yet," Matteo replies. "I was more worried about you."

Right. Where would we be if I hadn't have got run over? Would we be together right now or would he be dead? I could be walking if I wasn't hit.

We pull into the driveway of Matteo's house. Matteo gets out and gets me out. He walks us to the front door and opens it. We walk into the foyer only to be greeted by a scream.

I look into the living room and smile. Every inch of the space is covered with Christmas decorations. The tree looks gorgeous and the stockings are even better. One has my name in pretty writing and one has Matteo written on it. Grace stands tall with a glass of hot chocolate in her hands. Gio stands beside her but looks bored like he doesn't want to be here.

"It looks like an elf threw up in here! I love it!" I yell.

"That's what I said," Gio replies.

Grace squeals. She rushes over to us and hugs both of us even though Matteo doesn't like hugs. Grace removes herself from us and moves out of the way. Matteo sits me on the couch. Grace hands me a cup of hot chocolate with a lot of marshmallows.

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