Chapter Ten: Remember me

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Remember me

Remember Me from Coco
*unedited* (word count:)


Matteo holds me tightly as his big ass head rests on my chest. I've been laying here for two hours waiting for him to wake up. He's away from his stress so I'm assuming that he is getting the rest he needs. He is a peaceful sleeper compared to me.

I run my hand through his hair letting my nails scrap his scalp gently. He doesn't move or stir. We have been here for three days and I have already shown him the whole town. Today, we are supposed to go over to Grantwood to see my cousin, Madison.

A phone buzzes on the nightstand catching my attention. I grab the buzzing phone and look at it. It's Matteo's phone. I unlock his phone and go to his messages. I click on Gio's message making it pop up.

FROM Gio: Delta Orange Nola Itchy Sad Delta Echo Apple Delta.

What? Is this a code? Should I wake up Matteo? I could look through his phone. I like being nosey. Who doesn't? I don't want to seem crazy for going through his phone. I don't even know what I am looking for.

"Matteo," I whisper.

He gently stirs but doesn't move off of me. He turns his head and looks up at me. He yawns as he rubs his sleepy eyes.

"Matteo, Gio texted you," I whisper.

He quickly sits up and takes his phone from me. He gets up and goes into the bathroom. He closes the door as he looks at me. I sit up on my bed and stretch before climbing out of it. I slide on my house shoes and grab my phone. I go downstairs to see Memaw cooking breakfast. I sit at the booth across from Papaw. He keeps his eyes on his phone completely giving his phone his full attention.

"Morning, sweet pea," Mamaw greets me. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Fine, if I would have had a big ass tree on me," I reply. "I can't remember if I thanked the both of you for the party."

"You did, several times," she replies.

"Is your boyfriend handy?" Papaw asks.

"Like hands-on? I don't know. I haven't exactly made him build me anything," I reply.

"I need help in the garage later. Tell him to stop in there at some point," Papaw replies. "Your dad and Tripp will be with me."

"Good morning!" Matteo greets everyone.

"Good Morning!" They both reply.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Matteo asks.

I nod and stand up. We go outside onto the back patio. We sit at the patio table in front of a fan. I watch Matteo closely as his whole demeanor changes. His features stiffen and his eyes darken. He looks as calm as a bird, but, at the same time, he looks like he is fighting back anger or another emotion.

"What do you need to talk about?" I ask.

"I have to go back to New York," he replies.

"Okay?" I murmur.

"I need you to stay here," he replies. "Don't fight me on this, please."

"I'm not going to fight you on this but you're eventually going to have to let me," I reply. "If we can't be honest with each other then what's the point?"

"You can't tell anyone about this, okay?" He begins. "What I'm about to tell you has to stay between you and me until I say otherwise. I can't have you getting hurt."

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