Chapter Fourteen: Gone away is the bluebird

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Gone away is the bluebird
Here to stay is a new bird
To sing a love song
While we stroll along
Walking in a winter wonderland

Winter Wonderland by Bing Crosby

*unedited* (word count:)


It's two days before Christmas. It's supposed to be beautiful and fun. You're supposed to be spending times with loved ones and opening gifts. Yet, here we are in Audriana's hospital room. She's been awake off and on since she arrived here.

Audriana was very lucky. She only escaped with a broke home and a broke back. The doctors say that she will be back on her feet in five months or so if she does physical therapy. She will be in a brace and a wheelchair for a little while.

Matteo is not happy. He's been in a mood ever since she was hit. He hasn't left her side even when Gio tried to reason with him. He has fallen head over heels for Audriana.

As for me, I escaped with a small wound across my stomach. I was stitched up after they made sure I didn't have any internal bleeding. Gio got me to the hospital is record time.

"Grace," Audriana murmurs. "It's a couple days before Christmas."

"Yes," I reply. "Matteo is in the bathroom."

"I didn't get to get you a present or my dad," Audriana replies.

"Don't worry about getting anyone presents," I reply. "We want you better."

Audriana has been upset about not getting to celebrate Christmas. I understand. I love Christmas just as much as she does.

"Has my dad came?" She asks.

"No, but I'm sure he will come see you," I reply.

"You're awake," Matteo murmurs as he reappears. "Merry Christmas Eve Eve."

Matteo kisses her forehead. She smiles at him. From the look in her eyes, you can tell she is upset. I know she feels like she has no support, but we are here for her.

"You should be able to leave soon," Matteo adds.

I wonder if I can decorate the apartment and buy presents for everyone. If I leave now, I might can make it. I will have to call Gio.

"I have to go somewhere. I will see you two later," I murmur before rushing out of the room.

I pull out my phone and dial Gio's number. It rings a couple of times before he picks up. He clears his throat the same way he clears his throat when someone calls him while we are having sex. Suspicious.

"I need a favor," I blurt out.

"What?" Gio asks.

"I need you or someone to take me to the mall," I reply. "I have some errands I need to run."

"I'll send someone to pick you up. I'm busy right now," he replies.

"Doing what? Any other time I call you, you're not busy," I reply.

"It doesn't matter," Gio replies. "Mind your business."

I hang up and get on the elevator. I press the ground floor button. The elevator descends down.

Gio and I are friends with benefits except he gets to fuck other women while I have to stay loyal. From the outside looking in, we look like the perfect couple. We aren't even together.

I step off the elevator and go outside. A sleek black truck pulls. The window rolls down revealing Brian. I pull the door open and climb inside. I buckle up as he pulls off.

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