May 30

23 4 0

My alarm clock beeped and I looked over, it was 5:40 in the morning. I sighed and pulled myself out of bed. I pulled on the sweats I had laid out, a graphic tee, and some flip flops. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and shoved my pajamas into my suitcase. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I had puffy bags under my eyes from crying the last night.

I walked downstairs to see my mom looking out the window. "I'm ready, I guess." My mom turned around and looked at me. She began to cry, "Four whole months! Honey, I love you."

"I love you too. August 10, I'll count down the days."

"I will too, I will too."

I engulfed her in a hug.I began to cry a little again but regained myself. My mom couldn't drive me to the airport because of work so Mindy would be.

"Don't forget the list I made!"

"I won't!" My mother had made a list of what I was supposed to do when I arrived in Florida.

I waved a final goodbye to my mom and got in Mindy's car. She stepped on the gas and my mom, my house, and everything I loved grew smaller and smaller until I couldn't see them anymore.

My phone buzzed in my pocket,

Mom: I really, truly love you.

Riley: I love you too. I really, truly do.

I sighed and locked my phone, I was going to really miss her. I watched roadsigns pass. Soon, we would be in Denver and then the airport. Soon, I would be facing my death bed, a.k.a, Florida. Sundance, Florida to be exact. That had a nice ring to it.

Sundance, Florida: Home to Riley's deathbed.

Two hours later I was on the plane. It had just lifted off. I pulled out my phone and my headphones and clicked shuffle. I had three and a half hours to kill. I could finish this playlist. Not to mention it kept my nerves slightly in check. I was freaking out. I was terrified and something else. Could it have possibly been excited? Nope. It was already homesickness.

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