June 1 (prolonged)

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I smiled, "What is your deal with always leaning in?"

"I don't know it's my thing."

"Fair enough. Who's party is this anyway?"

"Um... this girl Jules."

"You sound like your nervous. Does Logan like somebody?" Insert major heartache here.

He pulled his sunglasses down over his eyes, "Maybe."

I rolled my eyes to cover up my serious disappointment, "Please don't be the guy who wears sunglasses at night."

He laughed and climbed out of the car, I did the same. We walked along until we reached a super modern house a little up the hill from the beach. We walked towards it to find a gorgeous girl with straight blonde hair talking outside of the front door. She was holding what I suspected to be a plastic cup of beer, your typical high school party. The girl turned around and saw Logan, her face lit up. "Lo! You came!" She ran up and almost grabbed him in a hug. Lo? I inwardly grimaced.

Her eyes fell on me and her smile dropped, I received a cold glare from her, "I thought you said you weren't bringing a date." She said with more disgust than I had thought possible.

"Jules, this is my friend Riley. Riley, Jules, Jules, Riley." She glared and being sassy lil' me I decided to play it cool and oblivious. "Hi, I'm Riley. Thanks for introducing us 'Lo'." I said with a fake smile in his direction.

Jules just smiled a snotty smirk. "Hi Riley. I'm Julia, you can call me Jules. Are you going to high school in town?"

"No, I'm just here for the summer."

"Oh!" She said with too much enthusiasm, "What a shame. Lo?"

I just noticed he had been staring at me for the whole time. He turned towards her and raised his eyebrows, "Yep?"

"I love this song. Let's dance!"

She grabbed his arm with her fake nails and smiled. I basically wanted to rio her to shreds.

I shook my head, man. I had never been so jealous before. I walked inside the house and walked along. I felt like such an outsider it wasn't even funny I continued to walk until I reached the edge of the house. I sighed and leaned against the wall.

I scanned the room. I saw people dancing really... i'll spare you the details and say closely others were just making out in the nooks and crannies of the house. There was one girl vomiting in a trash can. I continued to look around until I caught eyes with a girl. Once we made eye contact she smiled and walked over; followed by two other girls.

"Hey, are you new around here?" She asked me.

"Yeah, definetly. I've been here a whole two days." I looked at the girls. The one who had spoken had brown eyes and brown hair pulled back into a short ponytail and a nose piercing, it actually looked amazing on her. One of the others had long wild red hair and emerald green eyes. The last one had blonde hair with the ends died blue and sea blue eyes.

The brunette spoke again, "I'm Chloe by the way." She motioned to the blonde one, "That's Taylor and," she motioned to the red head, "that's Nessy."

I raised a confused eyebrow, "Nessy?"

The red head rolled her eyes, "They always ask." She smiled, "Both of my parents are from Ireland. They moved to the states and had me. They named me Clover after the Emerald Isle."

Chloe spoke up, "She's a wicked forward in soccer, she's really aggressive. So everyone calls her the Lochness Monster, Nessy for short."

I nodded and Taylor spoke for the first time. "I hate to be so blunt but we saw you talking to Jules and you seemed to bother her, what happened?"

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