With a Reader that's Post-Anesthesia After Wisdom Teeth Removal

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(Gender ambiguous). 

Includes: Donna Beneviento (Village), Alcina Dimitrescu (Village), and Mother Miranda (Village).

Warnings: n/a


Donna Beneviento:

- Donna totally fusses over you.

- Yeah, you're fine.

- You're going to continue to be fine.

- Donna knows that.

- But—

- She also wants to make your recovery period as easy for you as she can.

- Donna just. Loves you. So much. Please let her take care of you. If you need anything while your mouth is in ouch mode, let her know.

- When she isn't nearby, Donna leaves a doll with you to take care of things. Her name is Lucia. She's very polite and helpful.

- Angie had previously been given the position, but she was the opposite of Lucia so that didn't last very long.

- Just imagine Donna catching Angie actively trying to get a look inside your mouth (or something equally as unhelpful), and Donna sending you an apologetic look while picking her up like one would an unwilling cat, then hurrying away while saying something about a timeout chair.

Alcina Dimitrescu:

- If Alcina catches you touching the wounds, you will receive a look from her that immediately makes you stop.

- The soft food you're going to have to eat? She'll prepare it for you.

- ...Okay, let's not kid ourselves. The closest Alci's ever gotten to preparing a meal is cutting somebody open before drinking their blood. But she'll send a maid or two to do it.

- Drinks, though? She can fetch those for you.

- ...There's still a chance a maid will end up doing it, though.

- Listen. It gives Alcina an excuse to stay near you for longer. Don't you realize how far away the kitchen is? Alcina will be gone for minutes!

- Well, you could certainly survive by yourself for that amount of time, but you withhold your teasing comment because you don't want Alci to cut your cuddle session short and start pouting.

- When you want to keep your head elevated, feel free to use one of her huge pillows.

- Or to use her as a pillow. 

Mother Miranda:

- Miranda just like... knows the dos and don'ts of your recovery period off the top of her head. Similar to how she explained the way the procedure would go when you initially expressed nervousness, Mira's very factual and offers explanations/details when you ask.

- (Despite her general lack of tact when it comes to being gentle, she had actually managed to comfort you quite a bit. And the surprise of that in itself weirdly makes you feel even better).

- You quickly notice that you sort of only need to remember the don'ts. Purely because Miranda takes care of most of the dos for you.

- Ice packs? Being traded out before you even fully realize that they've thawed too much.

- Liquids? She brings you plenty. You're going to become the most hydrated person in the village.

- Meds? In order to make sure you take your meds when you're supposed to, Miranda sets up a timer. You never hear it, but she always has them ready for you on the dot.

- Food? Prepared! It's... not bad, but also not great. Miranda's never been particularly skilled in the kitchen. It's that effort that counts, though, right? Maybe you can offer to help a little.

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